Paris Olympics 2024

I really care about doping. If you can’t believe what you’re watching why would you watch it?

Same with cycling.

Drugs have ruined it.

Is there drugs in horse racing ?

You can guarantee there’s drugs in soccer too but FIFA choose to cover their ears about it


Seems like one lad has decided to spend the next month wumming and wasting everybody’s time


Why are you defending doping? You’ve gotten very defensive anytime the issue is brought up.

No doubt. There’s certainly an over use and rules bent on TUEs.

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You’re a hypocrite with your stance on doping. Defending Nadal, watching horse racing etc.

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The top trainer by an absolute mile was caught with a vet with a load of illegal drugs in his yard but apparently everybody was at pains to state that this was completely ok.


Attending games is a totally different experience IMO, a good section of people at the Munster final couldn’t tell you who was in the Leinster final, it doesn’t necessarily indicate an interest in the sport, just the live event.

I have no hard evidence, just expressing an opinion derived from what I’ve noticed. People younger than me tend to speak about sports in terms of odds,

But @Cheasty post about sports stadium/Grandstand etc is a brilliant one

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There’s a massive TUE issue in GAA too.

An abnormally high number of asmathics.

I’m not sure what that has to do with anything.

You curl up the minute it’s pointed out how riddled the athletes are competing at the Olympics.

Yet to address doping in horse racing, which you watch daily; like I said, hypocrite

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I’d argue on pain killers too.

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I’ve addressed doping in horse racing any number of times.

I used to. I used to be obsessed with the subject. I used to spend hours reading The Clinic on the Cycling News forum. In some ways I still do care about doping, but in most ways I don’t.

Why? Because doping in sport feels like such a trivial issue when compared to wars and genocide and the ongoing march of fascism around the world.

People watch sport mainly for entertainment, for thrills. People have a mental need need to throw out their cynicism over something.

Everybody knows the NFL is a doper’s paradise. Nobody seems to care. Because the NFL is regarded only as grotesque entertainment, not as real sport.

I have far more hatred for sport being used as a vehicle to advance despotic interests like happens in football and golf than I do for some sprinter or cyclist who is juicing.

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And yet you still watch it; here is your original point

So you’re saying cheating doesn’t exist in horse racing?

It’s the single reason nobody really cares about the Olympics anymore.

Doping in team sports where you’ve fans is very different.

For individual sports to resonate they have to be clean otherwise what’s the point?

I don’t think the first three home in the derby were doped or the arc. If I did I wouldn’t watch it.

Any athlete particularly in the pool or on the track that’s on the podium is doping.

Now can you explain why you want to defend doping so much?

That’s simply untrue.


Where did I defend doping? Quote the post where I did.

Doping and cheating is wrong, no doubt, but you seem happy to accept it in horse racing by supporting the industry through gambling, attending meetings etc.