Paris Olympics 2024

Classic TFK anyway

Youā€™re the only one who discussed tactics :rofl:.

Iā€™m mortified for you.

Make sure you keep us posted and rub it in good and proper.

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In other swimming related news today, Derry Oā€™Rourke has got another 10 years in the Central Criminal Court.


This Spanish wan is giving poor Darragh an awful clipping. She must be very good.

Near Gold Medal favorite according to Peter Collins

A fella youā€™d really hope dies roaring

Sorry mate. As a swim teacher I do find it a little annoying listening to lads talking gibberish. This doesnā€™t include you however. I just have a chuckle at the stuff you write.

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Good. Iā€™m here for entertainment purposes onlyā€¦

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Eric Donovan coaching the lad who heā€™ll be commentating on next

Would there be many illegal strokes at this level to gain an advantage or is it refereed very strictly.

Link to live track of the sailing. Looks like start is at 1500

Another Irish boxer out here. When I say out I mean heā€™s lost, heā€™s two rounds down with three judges going into the last round.

Hugh Cahill is so clueless about every sport he commentates on.


Phillipine an arrogant little cunt

The new boxing scoring system completely ruins it as a spectator sport. The old points for punches thing was great


I think heā€™s decent on boxing, I remember him commentating on a load of Tokyo fights where he shared a bunch of useful stuff most people wouldnā€™t have known

Whatā€™s the new system

Jude seems like a lovely lad - very down to earth