Paris Olympics 2024

Haughey 3rd

I knew she’d win when they showed her with her lats on full display. Juiced to the richter.

Just ran out of puff last 25.

Haughey wins the all-important intra-FF battle as she beats Walsh and O’Callaghan.

Sarah Sjostrom is a veteran at this stage. Swam in Rio. She seems to be getting better in her advanced years.

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No he couldn’t thats why he never medalled

Why do the swimmers wear the big massive Arsene Wenger-style jackets walking out?

That was some swim from Marchand to take 200m butterfly off Milak.


Some race that. What a finish.

That was spine tingling, unrale.

Some finish from the French lad

When they came up for last length it was unreal

The Dutch seem curiously absent from the big events in swimming this time.

Pieter van den hoogenband


When is our lady up?

Glad to hear John is keeping cool in the Maersk Shipping Container

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The emotional and psychological side fascinates me too, along with the technical aspect. The mental gymnastics, I call it.


The races he was up against Ian Thorpe and Michael Phelps were BOX OFFICE. Esoecially the one in Athens. Outdoor pool. Olympic swimming outdoors is honrale.

The Dutch were very good in the women’s freestyle events too, and of course they trained an Irish multi-gold medallist we won’t name.

What time is Mona expected to swim?

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