Passport renewal

Youā€™re forever looking for passports judging by this thread. Are you hawking them or what?

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I need new ones for Yuri and Sergei

Have you Polish citizenship as well?

Exactly. A cod.

Mine expires October too. Thatā€™s why I renewed now.

No. But I have permanent residency. The kids have dual nationality.

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Permanent residency is only a cod.

Started them in July, 2 weeks for the missus to renew hers, 3 months and a number of phone calls to get the new one issued

My passport actually expired last year (March/April 2021). Can I renew it or do I need to start a new application?

Youā€™ll need the booster to get a new one under guidelines coming in in March.

Yes as long as it wasnā€™t issued more than 15 years ago.

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Thanks Fagan :+1:

Iā€™m hoping to get to Argentina this summer, depending on what way things are. Iā€™ve had to put it off the last two years.

It will be a relief to us when you finally get there.


:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: I donā€™t get out often mate.

Iā€™m losing money every year I donā€™t go

The moth needs a new passport. Just been informed that the previous one ran out in September.
New a new one for end of March.
Applying on line the best chance?

Be easier get a new moth


Send her back a postcard

It is

Saying all that the online process is a grand job for a goverment service