Passport renewal

Osnt that what the PSC was for?

I’ve been able to renew my passport without a PSC. This thick cunt doesnt seem able for much, never mind having a PSC

seen that one a lot…

It’s been flying around alright. Not to be taken too seriously and certainly a bit outdated.
I posted it for a bit of a laugh…

the internet is serious business

No, he says nothing about playing underage football for the county.


Whatb about senior club when he was underage?

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The bit about 1776 tells me it has been copied and edited from an original American one :slightly_smiling_face:

But surely thats the purpose of the card, stopping this nonessential bullshit but sure look it its ireland

What bullshit?

The bitching the post is making. The passport renewal process is very simple tbf online. The issues seem to be new applications and delivery

You don’t actually believe anything in his bullshit complaint do you?

to be honest, it looks like some yank type writing that was forced into being an Irish version. 1776 is a milestone in America, when “his family went there” and “served in the military”. No one in Ireland writes like that.


Not at all but there are folks who will believe it and love basimg the civil service at every opportunity. The passport service in my recent experience isva public aervice that is workimg well, better tham expected.

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Great post. Very well said John.


You said that the purpose of the PSC card was stopping the nonessential bullshit detailed in the letter? The only bullshit was the letter.

Yeah the idea of the PSC is that info was trasfeerable acroos departments. The lette is sayimg he needs to get his birth cert have waynacross the country but the goverment should already know this. Without stating the obvious that the differnet departments have different systems

That letter was from 2011

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Did he get a reply yet?

Sure it’s 100pc this. There is absolutely no way an Irish person would say my family came here in 1776 ffs.