Passport renewal

January applied. Got it back mid April. Four months about right

had an awful scare just there: the missus was checking for our flight tomorrow morning and couldnt find madame’s passpot, we spent half the night tearing the house asunder looking for the bastard thing wqith visions of us losing our summer hols. we both got up at 7 to resume looking and finally found it this morning in a document folder that had been checked twice before by herself.

panic over and thank fuck for that


Cool story bro

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I don’t know about you, but I was on the edge of my seat there for a while.


I was tearing my hair out with the suspense


Had the blame game started

Got mine in the post yesterday. Incredible service in fairness.

Shannon airport now for a flight.

Her pisspot?

Make sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before your flight.


Mrs applied for a renewal online on Monday night and it has just been dropped in the letterbox. Tremendous service.

We applied for a passport for the baba at the end of May. We got the passport there last week.

Did it online.

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You seem like a very meticulous type of person who will have the read the instructions and submitted what was asked of you.

The people who face the big delays are those not following the instructions to the letter.

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I did nothing. Whatshername did the heavy lifting.


Same as myself.

I have to go to US for work. I’ve a 10 year visa with 4 years left on it. However, that visa is in an expired passport.

I have an up to date passport.

Would showing the visa in the old passport while also presenting my new passport be suffice? Have been told by couple.others “should be grand, have done similar” but not exactly filled with confidence on the back of their hearsay

I’ve tried to get on to us Embassy and it’s a cunt but may have to persist with trying to book appointment for what should be a simple answer.

@Batigol any experience in situation similar?

I hope you like Guantanamo bay


I hear Cuba’s lovely this time of year

FAQ3 seems to have your answer.

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Found it with your pointer, thanks a mill. Odd that it’s in the UK version for us Embassy but not the Irish.

Anyway, that’s a lot of hassle saved. Thanks @habanerocat :+1:

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