PDC World Darts Championship 2010

thats why taylor’s the greatest

Good game this. :clap:

Excellent match

Thats why Phil is Phil…:clap:

Time for a piss …bursting

Boom and we’re done first set to the master :clap:

serious power play from phil. sometimes you can forget how incredible he really is:clap:

Great set of darts there.:popcorn: Its a pity Lewis didn’t take it though, for the sake of competitiveness.

That’s why he’s [FONT=“Arial Black”][SIZE=“3”]THE POWER[/SIZE][/FONT]:pint::barcasmile::clap:

Phil your boots lads :clap:

lewis aveaged 109 that set and lost. unbelievable

A feeling of crushing inevitability has already descended as the man with the 106 average is slowly strangled. :eek:

wow wee woo:clap:

Phil Taylor and Sid Waddell are two of the most insufferable pieces of human waste I have ever had to see and hear. Sickening pieces of shit.

Fuck you Flano you cunt :slight_smile:

:smiley: :thumbsup:

take a bow phil…magic

This is crazy shit here, how could you beat that…impossible.

lewis is playing fantastic too in fairness to him

Lewis is broken, I don’t blame him. This is pretty fucking outstanding.