PDC World Darts Championship 2010

Noddy? As an an infrequent poster since the dunph’s combust,I’d say your’e as wrong as be fucked…:guns:

BTW…Phil Taylor is a fookin’ legemd…
And your constant harrassing of Forum legends (NCC) has become irlsome…:pint::pint:
The Dunph rules around here in Flano’s abscence…:pint:

[quote=“Boxtyeater”]Noddy? As an an infrequent poster since the dunph’s combust,I’d say your’e as wrong as be fucked…:guns:

BTW…Phil Taylor is a fookin’ legemd…
And your constant harrassing of Forum legends (NCC) has become irlsome…:pint::pint:
The Dunph rules around here in Flano’s abscence…:pint:[/quote]


right, this is how i see the barney whitlock game going tonight. whitlock has started very fast in all games so far and can easily seeing him go 2-0 or 3-0 up. at this point i see barney returning to form and throwing the dummy out of the pram. Whitlock to go on and win 6-0 or 6-1. i’ve done both.

I see Barney winning this match. Whitlock peaked against Wade and Barney still has a big performance in him.

Taylor to beat Webster to nil.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]I see Barney winning this match. Whitlock peaked against Wade and Barney still has a big performance in him.

Taylor to beat Webster to nil.[/quote]

funny enough i can see webster taking a set off the power. power was really focused on handing out a beating to lewis last night. wont take webster as serious.

Taylor is far too professional for that. Rarely plays a bad game.

remember that robert thornton took a set off him in the round of 16s and webster is a far better player. taylor will play well that goes without saying, but webster to take a set is not beyond the relms of possibilities

Surely Barney is a slice of value at 2.3? He has all the experience and is definitely getting better as the tournament goes on. The statistics are all with Whitlock but Barney said in an interview after his last game that averages are for journalists and pundits, and doubles win games. That’s not to say there was anything wrong with Whitlock’s finishing, there wasn’t, but even still, everyone I know seems to think the game should be evens the pair. Can Whitlock possibly repeat his performance against Wade? If he does fair play to him, he’ll probably win, but I really don’t think Barney should be that big.

I am not a gambling man but I would definitely take Barney at those odds.

look barney is clutching at straws. fact of the matter averages do matter as it will determine who gets to the double first. whitlock is a far superior finisher to barney (even barney at his peak). Barney has not scored heavily in this tournament and i cant remember the last time ho averaged anywhere near 100 (possibly versus taylor in vegas). He averged 95 last night ffs. wade avergaed 97 and played blinding darts and whitlock dispatched him. whitlock did the same to terry jenkins in round before. terry jenkins is a top top player who has had another good year.

You are basically discounting the possibility of Barney upping his average by 5 for his biggest game of the year in a stage he’s been on many times before, and Whitlock dipping less than 5 on an occasion he’s never played before? :confused:

That’s it exactly. Barney has been there and done it on the big stage many, many times. He is capable of upping his game considerably if needed.

Taylor made a good point last night - does Whitlock believe that he can beat Barney? Whitlock has a chance alright but it is definitely not a foregone conclusion.

i am sledge. you cant turn form on and off like a tap. barney will average close to a ton in the odd set or two but over the course of the game it will not be above 95. as i said above i can see whitlock racing into an early lead and barney downing tools. its happened all too often for him and his supporters in the last year, year and a half.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]That’s it exactly. Barney has been there and done it on the big stage many, many times. He is capable of upping his game considerably if needed.

Taylor made a good point last night - does Whitlock believe that he can beat Barney? Whitlock has a chance alright but it is definitely not a foregone conclusion.[/quote]

come on lads, whitlock beat jenkins and wade on that very stage. that performance against wade proved that whitlock without question is the real deal. ffs if he was’nt in awe playing wade hes not going to be in awe playing barney.

Barney is a completely different proposition. He has won World Titles, Wade or Jenkins have won none.

You are completely underestimating Barney - he’s a class act, not playing well but can turn it on if needs be. I would never write him off.

i’ll refer to last years world’s to back up my point. wade was dreadful in all his games, totally out of form. when he met barney in the semi, he was able to up his performance in the odd set but not maintain it over the duraton of the game. barney last year was close on 100 average in every game and was never going to lose to wade in that form.

What about Barney’s game against Klaasen in the quarter final where he blew him away?

All I am saying is not to write Barney off. He has far too much class for that - playing badly or not.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Barney is a completely different proposition. He has won World Titles, Wade or Jenkins have won none.

You are completely underestimating Barney - he’s a class act, not playing well but can turn it on if needs be. I would never write him off.[/quote]

true wade does’nt have the world titles like barney but ask any pro who they did’nt want to play after taylor and it would be wade. wade has won premier league and uk open in the past.

barney was a class act no doubt about it but is not playing like one at this point in time and therein lies the problem. barney supporters are clutching at straws hoping that he can rediscover his A game. all recent evidence says that he cant. thats not to say that he could’nt, but its very very unlikely in my opinion. the fact that 5 time world champion is priced in as the underdog against a player who could’nt win the BDO says it all about the way barney is playing.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]What about Barney’s game against Klaasen in the quarter final where he blew him away?

All I am saying is not to write Barney off. He has far too much class for that - playing badly or not.[/quote]

exactly what im saying farmer. barney last year was in good form, his averages versus klaasen, baxter and taylor in final backed that up. thats why an out of form wade had no chance even though everyone knew wade was a class act and had the game to beat barney.

barney this year is like wade last year

[quote=“fenwaypark”]true wade does’nt have the world titles like barney but ask any pro who they did’nt want to play after taylor and it would be wade. wade has won premier league and uk open in the past.
barney was a class act no doubt about it but is not playing like one at this point in time and therein lies the problem. barney supporters are clutching at straws hoping that he can rediscover his A game. all recent evidence says that he cant. thats not to say that he could’nt, but its very very unlikely in my opinion. the fact that 5 time world champion is priced in as the underdog against a player who could’nt win the BDO says it all about the way barney is playing.[/quote]

Can’t agree with that at all. Barney has far more pedigree than Wade has. He is also in the semi final despite the way he is playing so is obviously doing something right.