People Kev knows

Funny I heard about this game on the radio and considered going but I was on the way back to Dublin so it wasn’t practical.

It could have been me.

Kev is right there in fairness.

I thought it was camogie and the girl making the speech thanked a different Kevin, Kevin Murray.


Murray was the manager/coach. Kev was assisting in another capacity


She mangled Kev’s name in a complete mishmash involving Kev himself, the manager Paidi Murray & ex Cork player Kevin Murray.


Absolutely jaw dropping

The cork hurlers could do worse than get Kevin involved.

He’s bring back the corkness.

Is the original Tweeter/Xer(??) a TFK user?

Refers to him as Kev in a few posts. Or is it just that Kev has become some well known?

He’s one of the PV podcast crew anyway.

:open_mouth: that’s not a good podcast.

Strange they robbed training gear in a dressing room that presumably had lots of wallets and phones in it.

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The FAI should give the Irish Managers job to Kev.

We should all acknowledge the things he has done for sport and wish him all the best on his first day getting to the top of Irish Soccer in Ireland.

Obviously, the second day when his family aren’t around we should tell him he isn’t cut out for the job and should be nowhere near it.

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Throw up some screenshots for those of us without access to X please.

Classic Kev, cheques & balances :joy:

Geraldines came into our dressing room when we had them out for a game of association football at u15s or u16s. They took a few things from the dressing room (some poor lad had his belt taken and had to keep his pants held up) but I wouldn’t say there was a wallet between us to take

Eddie Von Boxtel fleeced the first teams dressing room when he was washing boots at Leeds.


Funnily enough, I doubt there is anymore either, but no shortage of phones and wireless headphones I’d say.

We were a cashless society back then because we didn’t have any


Inside job? County board robbing them to give to the minor hurlers?


Jody Corcoran the journalist hurled with us for a bit. He left after he lost his wedding ring in the dressing room. He believed it had been stolen. We had a couple of inner city urchins on the team but robbing wedding rings wasn’t their style. Busting heads outside Rumours of a Saturday night was more their thing.


There’s a waste of talent if there ever was one.