Cunts on Ghost Bikes

And a grand dry morning too. The culture needs to change. ASAP.

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All off to the gaelscoil to have their elbows sharpened further.

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Ailin has come to the attention of the forum previously


This has caused serious ructions in the midlands.

It’s ‘trending’ on Twitter pal.

The locals are revolting. I stand with my bogland brethern. Fuck Conal Keaney the cunt.

Fuck the jackeens

Go home Jackeen

I’d say this Just Transition will turn out to be a cod.

The Offaly crowd aren’t that bad mate.

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They have a lot in common with Tipperary people in that they’re some of the soundest bucks you could ever encounter.

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The Optics are shocking …no work for locals and one thing going is taken… probably just as simple as a cheaper tender in line with value for money …shouldn’t be too hard find out

Sleepy Eamon Ryan being a corrupt td throwing out government contracts? That’s less believable than Buckles being the baddy in Line of Duty.

Doubt that’s true