Coronavirus - Here come the variants

Yeah it’s been fascinating to watch from that perspective.

Once you scare people they’ll literally do anything.



Masks make us invisible so it was most likely she thought you were gonna attack her.

What kind of toys?

How much did you get from her handbag?


At my kid’s school i always see a lady who puts the mask on for the split second she gets out her car door to open her kids door and then back into the car she goes and off goes the mask …bonkers

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We need to crack down on the ‘Hooray Henrys’

What’s this about?

An outbreak?

Probably is essential down there for all throwing them out of the pram they do …

Playing cards and board games.

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Ailin should have done her shopping online and she could have saved us all this.


You should have put your clothes on

You bought your first fork yesterday?

They are talking about a third wave in Europe at the moment and here we are onto our fourth

We’re finally keeping ahead of the curve.

Brazilian variant being mentioned

Everyone knows the virus doesn’t spead in classrooms


John McGuirk is fighting the good fight (never thought I’d say that)

Also John will never be seen/heard in national media ever again