People who cook slow

Ok, well that case I will have lots of liquid.
Adding the spuds to it, good idea or bad idea? I left them fairly big.

Skins n’all?

Winner, winner, stewed beef dinner

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Fuck off


:smile:you little fucking shithead


Welcome to the world of low hassle superlative dining.

Would you ever use one of those timers for the plug?
I could be gone from the house about 11 hours on an average day, which is about 2 hours over the recommended time on most recipes.

Why are you moving house mate? Ah all the fucking recipes for the slow cooker were around 8 hours so I needed to be closer to work.

Great to arrive home to a delicious stew :clap:

Got one as a new house present the order day, it’s still in the box as I post this but it sounds the business.

I’ve cooked things twice on the High setting of my slow cooker and both times the sauce has been welded to the pot afterwards. Going to have to do serious scrubbing to get it off.

No need. Turn it on to low ffs.

Thats what I did. Just most recipes say 8 hours on low and I could be gone for 11 hours.

Cooking that slow gives you a lot of leeway. The problems arise when some of the ingredients get above the juice line, particularly the meat. After a few goes, you’ll know your stews. And just steep theat fucker for a little while to clean. The Leftovers provide dinner for a second day usually anyway. Well worth 2 minutes with a scourer.

Thinking of doing a sausage casserole tomorrow

Did pulled chicken again today. Just chicken breasts, reggae reggae sauce, some vinegar, Worcester sauce and onion.
Very very tasty

You pulled a chicken?
WTF is reggae sauce? Canabutter?
Why the fuck can no one spell Worcestershire?

Reggae Reggae is a Jerk/BBQ sauce. A brand.

Worcester is the shortened down most regularly used name of the sauce, nothing to do with misspelling.


Thanks mate.
Worcester as no one can either spell the word or say the word.

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