People who have lost or gained a serious amount of Weight

It’s not rocket science I suppose, put down the knife and fork. Coached a really good young footballer maybe 10 years ago, but his weight was ballooning, useless lazy fucking parents too. I was trying to be nice and was about to suggest “Overactive Thyroid” to my fellow coach. More like “Overactive Knife and Fork” says yer man! He wasn’t wrong either


About 10 years ago I got into my head to cut out processed Carbs, I cut out Breakfast and had two meals a day with Bullet Proof Coffee in the morning. I had a massive salad for lunch, as much rabbit food as you could eat with boiled eggs and a bit of good quality meat or fish. I would then have a normal dinner around 6pm. I lost nearly 20 kilos in 2 months, when I went back to Ireland for a visit my Parents were on about putting me in the nut house as they thought i was anorexic


This is the best way to get weight down.

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I’m no expert but cutting out breakfast sounds like terrible advice, having a healthy breakfast sets you up for the day and avoids temptation of the big lunch or midday snacking


Pints are lethal aswell, they lead to poor behaviour ordering takeways and shite food after a few scoops


Cutting out breakfast has changed my life for the better


You don’t need to eat until midday at least if you ask me

That and the Ozempic

Burning body fat is okay once you stay hydrated. It’s very basic stuff

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Anyone still taking huel?

Why give advice then

Ah sure it’s non expert advice.
Take it with a pinch of salt :man_shrugging:

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I’m back into bullet proof coffee recently, its savage stuff, I take 4 grammes of creatine with it and go to the gym at 7am every day. I can lift more weight than I could 25 years ago, the mental clarity is absolutely unbelievable as well at work in a professional capacity


Just walk


I know someone on this. It works.

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If it’s good enough for Oprah it’ll be good enough for a few lads here

Lads filling their guts with toast from white bread and coco pops haven’t a hope of this.


Intermittent fasting essentially means cutting out breakfast but when you see the cut of advocates like Ger Gilroy you’d have to wonder about its effectiveness


Just keep walking lads

