People who have lost or gained a serious amount of Weight

We are obsessed with appearance in this country, I used to be about 17 stone in my early 20s, I wasnā€™t quite an awful size but not far off it. I dropped a good bit of weight over the years and now Iā€™m about 12 stone. Donā€™t eat half the quantity of food i used to eat.

Whenever i go down home i have to worry about my family thinking Im sick or something. I was forced to go to a nutritionist a few years back who told me I was in great shape. Nevertheless theyā€™d still be trying to shovel the food into me when I go down. I swear they think I was healthier when I was clinically obese rather than my right weight


Fran doing a @Mac on it hereā€¦ this is Faganā€™s day pal


Sorry @Fagan_ODowd, I just wanted to get that off my chest

Yeah from my experience itā€™s those who skip breakfast that actually tend to have issues keeping weight down. A good bowl of porridge and a couple of slices of toasted brown bread is a great way to start the day. The real time to make progress is to avoid eating after 7pm by all accounts.

Be careful pal , you could end up having a banger in the Damer !



I know of someone who lost about 3 stone following the cocaine diet.


I thought it would have been due to the Brazilian behind the bar but there are worse ways to go


As @TreatyStones often says, you canā€™t outrun a bad diet. All the walking and exercise in the world isnā€™t worth a shite if youā€™re filling your body with crap. The lack of basic knowledge on diet and nutrition in this country is shocking. Even basic things like understanding carbs, fats and protein.

Fair play @Fagan_ODowd, hope you can enjoy a few pints as a reward to yourself

Youā€™re listening too much to the Kelloggs propaganda. If youā€™re working in an office or have a sedentary lifestyle thereā€™s no need for breakfast


Those who want to lose weight will.


The only answer.


You were a big fat cunt. You and your bullshit.
Yes I am drunk.
In vino veritas.


Tank the Tank!

Ah look, one way or another it canā€™t all be true.
Iā€™d say this thread is the truth and heā€™s just a big flabbery fat useless bollocks.
Iā€™ve broken my rule now after a few pints and posted on this shithole so Iā€™ll log off for a while.
Good night lads.


Ah @Tank, youā€™ll be on your deathbed before you realise what a magnificent special human being you are.
(Same for @Tassotti )

Weak minded Frostie gulping fatties just donā€™t get that.

You might be right.
I donā€™t think it would suit me, Iā€™d never skip breakfast on a workday out of habit but Iā€™d often do it during the holidays or on weekends and Iā€™d end up buying six sausage rolls or something at 12 o clock, the thoughts of facing into a healthy lunch wouldnā€™t appeal to me in that state.

Iā€™ve never been fat but when I quit sport I was at my heaviest, maybe a stone or more overweight, I cut back on my drinking by basically not drinking at home anymore (Iā€™ve since relaxed this a little bit), that was huge.
Then later I took up running which probably helps keep it down.

Anyway Iā€™m a firm believer in having a good breakfast, itā€™s probably full of shit but I usually have 4 weetabix at about 745 and it does me till lunch

Losing weight is a different thing but in terms of maintaining Iā€™d skip breakfast and then have a very big lunch and dinner which Iā€™d much prefer to having something in the morning and then having to make smaller meals later.

In reality if you cook all your meals for yourself losing weight is incredibly easy

I thought skipping breakfast was one way to end up with diabetes. Porridge is a fine start in the morning.


Thatā€™s shocking