People who have lost or gained a serious amount of Weight

The Mediterranean diet is a healthier diet

Once they hit 30 and get married, most of them are obese and smoke fags


Eating after 6pm in the evening is a mugs game, its disrupts your sleep, even worse than alcohol

It does my head in when I hear lads parroting “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day”


They ate some amount of deep fried food too, ok it’s fresh olive oil each time but it’s still deep fried . And there’s not much of the pig they don’t eat ! Fags and red wine …Yet they generally live to a good age :man_shrugging: it must be in the genes

Vitamin D from sun, omega oils and lot’s of plant based foods… It’s a healthier diet than standard western diet for the most part.

And a bucket of Cola coa to start the day

I’m telling you for years just go for a walk

How far do you go ? What footwear ?

I was playing golf the last few days but generally bring the dog for a walk in my runners 6 or 8 km most evenings


I guess breakfast isn’t that important if you’re only getting out of the scratcher at lunch time.

Can’t imagine facing porridge at half one in the day.


I’d say you’ve made a lot of your own porridge if your getting out of the pit at lunch time .

Thats good walking.

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There is some amount of shite spouted on here.

There is very basic science behind losing, gaining or maintaining weight…… the amount of calories ingested as opposed to the amount burned off.
All this bulkshit about weetabix, white bread, pints, walking, wanking etc is purely ancillary.

If you want to lose weight, your body needs to burn more calories than you put into it. So you can a) eat less and don’t change your amount of exercise, b) exercise more and don’t change your eating, or c) ideally some combo of a and b.

Giving up pints, white bread and what have you may contribute to weight loss, but only in the fact that by giving up those things you have more likely reduced your overall calorie intake.
You could continue to partake of those things and just exercise a shit ton and create a calorie deficit that way.
Likewise walking in and off it self doesn’t make you lose weight, other than you are more than likely increasing your calories burned and hopefully creating a deficit.

I’m not particularly careful about what I eat, other than I don’t eat until often well into the afternoon, and haven’t for years. But the particulars about what I eat, I wouldn’t say my diet is super healthy, per se. I also don’t count calories, so when I do eat I often eat large quantities. But I can get away with that as I exercise a lot, 10-12 hrs a week at zone 2 or above. If I were to stop or reduce that amount of exercise I’d have drastically reduce the amount I eat or I imagine I would ballon up.


10-12 hours is a good bit of exercise, what do you get up to?

Hurling with Limerick probably mate

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You obviously havn’t been following his abominations in the ravenous thread.


You’d want your head examined not to be doing a minimum of 10 hours exercise a week.

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Calories were made up by the money men pal and boy has it worked .supermarkets have never been the same since .

Sweet Jesus.
Calorie is a unit of energy mate.