People who have lost or gained a serious amount of Weight

You’ve been compromised.that’s all I’ll say.

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It has no place in the diet conversation tho

I’m not talking about diet though. Diet in and of itself has fuck all to do with losing weight. It is simply a function of calorific deficit. Whether your diet is “good” or “bad” is irrelevant.
Now, diet can definitely seriously impact your overall health, no argument there.


White bread vs any other kind of bread doesn’t make any difference in weight loss

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That’s a serious bit of exercising. I trained twice this week and played 3 matches and I’d say I only managed about 7 hours of exercise between it all. All high zone movement though.

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A lot of lad’s issues would be sorted by downloading My Fitness Pal, getting a weighing scale and scanning the bar codes on their food packaging. A lot of fuckers trying to complicate simple maths and biology.

What’s all this about zones?

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Exercise is a massive stressor goys. Necessary but has to be balanced.

It raised my eyebrow, training for a sub 3 marathon wouldn’t take that

Heart rate as metric is ok if it’s all you have, a power meter would be more scientific, you can convert watts to kilojoules to calories. Granted there is a certain fudge factor for the efficiency of the human body, but it’s still by far the most accurate indicator.
On the other end, accurately counting and calculating what’s going in is quite a bit more tedious, and beyond what most people want to undertake, but is possible if you have the discipline.

Just go for a walk. It’s good for the mind and the body

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Only that it is a poor source of calories that doesn’t fill you up

I will say it again. Go on a palm oil free diet and you will start to eat better, eat less shit, and lose weight in the process with minimal exercise.

Just the two black coffees today and no food since 6.30pm yesterday. You wouldn’t really notice it tbh… I’ll have dinner around 6.30 and knock the 24hrs out of it.


Your clarity must be off the charts.

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@Enrique is an advocate for active travel you all


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I’d make an exception when I’m in New York in a place like Scotty’s diner

Intermittent fasting: Miracle diet or bad for the heart? | Health | EL PAÍS English.

Tfk is great for a lot of things but it’s probably best to still seek health advice elsewhere.