Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

He fairly set himself up for that one.

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Open goal well played @Julio_Geordio

If you shave off the bushes things might look a lot better.

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Nice reply in about 15 mins :joy: A new record

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Thats whats hiding, and not impressive apparently

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Not even close. @Spidey had one in under 10 mins last week.

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Phone crashed alright. Casual racism is alive and well

What a sentence.

“Apart from completely undermining the sexual lives of everyone who is not heterosexual, cis, able-bodied, and people who have conditions such as vaginismus that makes penetrative sex painful, this heterocentric hierarchal approach to sex where vaginal penetrative sex is the only form of “real” sex is simply a way of prioritising one facet of male pleasure, and ignoring all other forms of sexual pleasure and fulfilment.”


Everyone who liked Julio’s post is guilty of the above

A bit of a mouthful, unlike the reader’s boyfriend’s mickey


I thought @Sidney was banned?

I see one person has clicked into the loud parents sex article. :rofl:

@Rocko can we backtrace the culprit?


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Hard to get wifi in the den surely?

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The article is behind a paywall, but the opening paragraph suggests that the following issues are at the heart of the matter.

  1. The poor lad is getting a bit of peace and its doing her head in.
  2. Money
  3. She’s an oul bitch.
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Is this just going to be the post the weekly
Irish times relationships advice column thread?



Fuck me that’s put a smile on my face before a shitty early start doing a dash wall​:joy::joy::joy: I’d watch that sham if he ever started doing regular trips to fota wildlife park, never heard of anything like his obsession

Brother of mine has his bikes ( does iron man etc so bikes are expensive) x box , big flat screen, music and sofa and fridge in his concrete jobbie at the bottom of the garden, all to get peace from his one ,all insulated and heated ,kid grown up and he doesent drink so got it built 3 years ago , reckon it’s saving his relationship

Christ, are women ever happy?