Personal Issues / Agony Aunt Thread

I wouldn’t worry about that crowd. They’re the worst of the worst.

A shithole town in a lovely setting

I was down in Brittas Bay a few years ago. Myself and two friends went to Jack Whites for a pint or two. We got chatting to a man in his sixties in a suit and tie. My pal guessed his accent as Roscommon and away we went chatting. He said he was living in Dublin when he was twenty and met a girl and fell in love and they got engaged. However he wanted to move to the UK and she would not so they broke up. He moved to Birmingham, met a woman and had 3 kids. Years passed.

One day he decide to look up his old flame. He had an old family address and wrote her a letter. Months later she wrote him a letter. They wrote to each other for a few months and decided to meet in Dublin. They met. She had also married and had kids. About Four months after they met she was diagnosed with cancer. Aside from a lull for her treatment the affair continued. She would travel to meet him and vice verse. Her husband was not aware. He left his wife and moved in to a house next door to the wife. He would back his van up to the front door to let the other lady into the house without the wife seeing.

When we met him he was over to visit the lady’s grave. She had died 3 months earlier and the husband never knew. Affair had run for about 4 years. Cancer came back and she passed away. He had not seen her for last six months of her life as she was so ill. Our man in the pub could not go to the funeral given the circumstances so he had travelled over when we met him to say his goodbyes. Love of his life he said and no regrets over rekindling it with her.

As we left him he was planning to head off to look for a woman that night. Some men cannot be alone.


You’re a great man to sniff out an affair.


Heard that last week. Did she locate the old flame after? She got over the husband quick enough!

I didn’t hear. I’d say she couldn’t wait for the day the oul coot kicked the bucket.

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I have a high EQ.

Wow! That’s a fair story. And me man out for more action now :ok_hand:

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Fuck me, I’d leg it

Another one for the Nogra racists this week.

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I’d say if some of the TFK wives ever found out this place existed, they’d be very worried about what kind of lunatics they’re married to.


Apparently one fella was caught by the wife and she left him and reported him to the FBI.

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She should divorce him.

He’s dead right. There are more horrifying things going on in the world. Ireland is just obsessed with American culture unfortunately

I’m actually not sure how to respond to how stupid that post is.

There are far more worrying things going on in the world, and in Ireland, than a nihilist group fronting as a racial equality protest.

Slavery for example

Yeah, her husband was so obsessed that he had to post about it on his Facebook.

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