Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Waffle deflection etc etc

The biggest issue from the golf event is the fact that you have politicians, judiciary, media all cosying up with each other. Its same aul same aul.


He threw the judge under the bus there saying that Woulfe should not have been there and that it is a matter for the Judiciary.

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Ah here Michael give it up ta fuck, this government have done more that any other government. Claire Byrne doesnā€™t believe him.

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Thatā€™s the real fucking storyā€¦ And thatā€™s the reason some people jumped to SF last election, not gaffs as some would have you believe cc @maroonandwhiteā€¦ The corrupt nature of official Ireland is sickeningā€¦ But sacking everyone while the country is upside down is pointless. The media are all over this for clicks and to sell papersā€¦ And the public are following like sheep. We should be banging this drum to get everyone on board and righting the ship. There will be time enough for public floggings down the road. Iā€™ll put up with Martin and co for now as it serves the country better to have a bit of stability for a while.


Itā€™s actually an eye opener to the wider public what goes on. Thereā€™s a lovely little cosy arrangement between the establishment figures. All coining it at the expense of the tax payer - politicians, senators, Judges, RTE employees. One big shindig.

It has gone on for years, a good thing that it has been exposed in such a grotesque manner. Global pandemic restrictions? Fuck off, thatā€™s only for the little people.

Woulfeā€™s appearance there is worse than Hoganā€™s. The separation between the judiciary and the political spectrum exists only when it suits.


Did Claire ask MM if he advance knowledge of the event? Something another RTƉ journalist failed to ask last week.

He had, he gave a prize. He believed it would take place in line with restrictions.

Donā€™t forget lobbyists! Brian Hayes there on behalf of the banks with a couple of culture fund lads at his table. Lorraine Higgins too, of course.

As @Special_Olympiakos says, for all Martinā€™s expressed anger about this, are we really expected to believe that Martin and Varadkar didnā€™t know the judiciary, the media and lobbyists all tagged along to the FFG golf society?

Champ saying to Claire that the guidance is clear from the top re opening schools. Heā€™s getting snarky now weā€™re not far off getting an ā€œoverarchingā€ thrown in. He also tells us again that he didnā€™t take holidays.

Martin reiterating that he was working through the summer. :laughing:

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But Sinn Fein

Iā€™m no fan of theirs but that was fucking pathetic.

Martin going on about Bobby Storey funeral again now. Claire Byrne Schtum for this part of the interview.

Iā€™ve decided Iā€™m voting Sinn Fein number 2 in the next election.

That should sort you out for the next 6 months anyway.

Covid likes to party. Nice tip of the hat to the Vengaboys there.

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He doesnā€™t have the power or authority to tell Big Phil to go. It would be a very slippery slope once Prime Ministers start interfering in the workings of the European Commission.

We know that was asked about it by another RTƉ reporter this morning is my query?

Will they be putting up the fella who doesnā€™t believe in the moon landings in limerick again?

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