Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

The cosy cartel was no less corrupt a year earlier when half the SF TDs were failing to be elected to local councils. The free gaffs (we’ll find the builders) and the controversy over the pension age (the demographics will take care of themselves) as well as populist soundbites around tax (polling showed SF voters favoured tax cuts over increased spending), were the reasons for the surge, not a Damascene conversion by a clued in electorate in favour of more pure politics


Anecdotally the people who traditionally voted FFG and voted SF in February said their exclusion by the other 2 and RTÉ initially was the reason. A two fingers as they are sick of the way we are meant to pretend all is ok here as long as the Shinners are kept out. Things are not ok.

For the young I reckon you’re right it wa the magic money tree but you would be foolish to ignore and deny the existence of the first demographic

Have to laugh at idiots droning on about “the magic money tree”. It’s actually called borrowing at zero or negative interest rates you dimwits, and it funds long term improvements to the country.

Meantime the magic money tree dimwits vote Fine Gael, “the fiscally responsible party”, whose policies have led to the most out of control current spending we have ever seen. Oh and the magic children’s hospital that gets more expensive every time you count to ten.



I’m not disagreeing with you, I’m just using language they understand

Not sure why you needed to give us a load of waffle about SF. I merely said people voted for them because they were sick of the cronyism of the others. What SF would have done is speculation and not relevant to the point.

We are only able to borrow at low interest rates because:

a) The rest of the EU economy is in the shitter so our comparitive spreads are relatively unchanged vs peer countries. Also the rest of the developed world is in the same boat so the ECB is tolerating extreme measures they would never normally countenance
b) Ireland has the faith of the financial markets, despite the best efforts of Pearse to follow his mates in Syriza threatening kamikaze tactics against the ECB

Pre-Covid, any money tree policies which distinguished us from other EU counties would have seen our yield take a walk and we mightn’t have been in a position to pay hundreds of thousands to stay home hiding under the bed


Do I need to ladybird this for you. SF fully intended on going in with the cronies you think they can’t stand. You made the claim that people voted for SF as it was a departure from the corrupt system. I had to rubbish that but stick your fingers in your ears if you have to.

But but but CHANGE

Wrong. Interest rates have been at or close to zero for a long time, it’s not covid related.

Rates have been low for some time but if questions had arisen as to our debt sustainability they could have increased substantially, as was the case for Italy at various points in the last few years when they tried to renege on budget targets and elected tub-thumping populists with anti ECB rhetoric

I’m sorry but you’re talking silly nonsense now about Greece and Italy. We are neither and no political party here proposes to renege on targets. Your post isn’t even a sentence.

Ireland can and should borrow to fund infrastructure and to finance breaking the link with FG’s disastrous policies of hoping the markets will take care of everything.

If a newspaper doesn’t run a “Hogan Stand” headline, there’s summat wrong.

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We have our market rating because of the policies we’ve followed since the crash which were opposed by the non FFGLabour parties who showed up in Greece (Doherty, Murphy) cheering on Syriza against our creditors, advocating telling the EU to “bugger off” (Adams) and generally advance the rhetoric that would spook the market. Now it’s possible the likes of SF would tone down that rhetoric once they get their snouts in the trough.

So while it’s generally correct to borrow to fund productive investment, a heavily indebted country can’t afford to come out with guff like “the demographics will take care of themselves” while we continue to go cap in hand to the markets to rollover our giant debt pile


Good god this is some hiding

Giving credit to politicians for not breaking the law. Good man Michael.


Enda, continuing to set the bar high :clap:


You’re having a debate from a decade ago with yourself.

It is irrelevant.

FG policies have directly led to out of control current spending.

Under FG policies we had a budget surplus til Covid came around. That budget surplus alllowed the economic measures be put in place to shore up income.

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