Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Yes I’d criticise FG for barely running a surplus due to spending rising in tandem with unforeseen improvements in debt interest (which I’ve clearly demonstrated doesn’t happen under a headbanger government) and Corporation tax income, which probably doesn’t persist if we have parties in power who want to steal money from Apple that was placed in escrow pending the outcome of a court case.


Actually several did as Biff pointed out. They’ve just gone quiet on it now as it was such a failure.

Given the holes in their manifestos (well at least SF had a manifesto), it would suggest they wanted to fund by more borrowing.

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@Copper_pipe, can you get your hands on the “dossier”?

Bring back Enda

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A timely statement of support for Big Phil by Wexford TD, Verona Murphy.

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A political giant, the measure of success for any leader is whether he left the country in a better state than when he took ever. In Enda’s case this is a fact.


Fellas hadn’t a pot to piss in when Enda rode to the rescue. Fellas had a pint in each hand for a finish. Now we can’t even go to the pub


I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out that Verona and Phil were the same person

Enda did the state some service.

Himself and Noonan are two of our greatest ever. Look at the shambles before and after them.


Noonan is a cunt.


A bit like saying that Donal O Grady left limerick hurling in a better state after taking over from Justin

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In the murky world of replacing an EU Commissioner after the gravy train has left the station I think it’s time we got to finding and adequate 1st.sub kinda guy. Requirements:

Negoiation skills
Continental know-how

Bertie Ahern fits the outlined criteria.


Should rehabilitate him before a shot to replace Michael D

You’re having a debate about manifestos from a decade ago. If they’re relevant then FGs promises of the time to spend more than FF are equally relevant.

A nonsense discussion.

No I’m not.

The manifesto of SF had for 2020 had gaping holes. One of them would include the €13 billion from Apple.


Sweet Jesus

Very gracious of Sean

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I’d take you more seriously if you didn’t cheerlead the party that uses windfall corporation tax receipts to fill the chasm in their out of control current spending.

The holes in the manifesto are generally handwaved away by the proceeds from a magic wealth tax that raises the same revenue as the failed French wealth tax even though an Irish equivalent would have a myriad of extra exemptions including farmland