Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

It was due to the announcement that the Taoiseach was going to recall the Dail and the media were notified but it was embargoed till midnight. Nothing in it really, it was just the government giving a heads up to the media that they were recalling the dail but to hold off reporting it till it was announced.

Claire Byrne was talking about the position of Supreme Court judge Seamus Wolfe just there. She had on retired District Court judge Gillian Hussey who served on the bench from 1984 to 2002 to discuss the matter.

In ainm DĆ©. It would be the equivalent of Darren Frehill bringing on a lad who hurled Special Junior 40 years ago to give an expert view on Ozzie Gleesons latest red card.


Grealish comes across as the sort of fella who would hold a child up to protect himself if he came under fire from a sniper in a crowded stadium.


Was some European correspondent on there with Pat Kenny

He was trying to give the Hogan story the respect Pat wanted but he basically said it is an absolute non story in Europe and zero chance he is forced to resign


Opposite story in the IT

With the most recently retired Chief Justice tasked with preparing a report on Woulfie, it would have been some task to get any current or retired member of the legal fraternity on. An 80 something year old retired District Court judge was probably as good as it was going to get.

Claire wasnā€™t to be deterred though. The very first question she asked was should Woulfie resign. Sheā€™s very tabloidy and sensationalist. As if she was going to get an answer to that.

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Operation transformation would more here niche

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Euractiv is carrying it so itā€™s hardly a non story

Iā€™d imagine any Europe watchers over in Brussels who are following this are just perplexed with Paddy pushing so hard and exerting undue influence to fire such a heavy hitting Trade Commissioner.

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If itā€™s on Euractiv they must all be agog

Has the ā€œBig Philā€ story got any significant traction in the British eurosceptic press ??

Do you need much rope there Phil?

Heā€™s not going anywhere.


Phil will be using this to illustrate his movements


Can you imagine the head :rage: on Phil Hogan eating his cornflakes this morning?

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Is assume this is dominating the conversations in Krakow , Gdańsk and Warsaw ??

Thereā€™s no way Phil ates cornflakes.

Iā€™ve enjoyed Phil being dragged over the coals. Another few days of this and we should all move on with life.

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I couldnā€™t give a fuck if he resigns or not. He has been shown up yet again for the arrogant cunt that he is, but this time on an international scale.