Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Precisely. Heā€™s had his snout well and truly bent out of shape. Tis no harm.

By nearly universal agreement, heā€™s been an ignorant prick for years. I donā€™t think heā€™ll be all that bothered somehow

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Harsh. A Fine Gael man like big Phil is probably sitting down to his bacon and cabbage around 1pm.

Oh Iā€™ll bet he is. Alright us all knowing heā€™s a prick, but he wont enjoy being shown up in front of his euro chums.

Iā€™m sure Jean-Francois thought Phil was a distinguished man of culture

I heard Matt Cooper yesterday, he is very unprofessional, made a load of comments about Big Philā€™s financial affairs and his pension entitlements, smirking and laughing away, youā€™d never get that in England


I disagree. Phil doesnā€™t do grovelling apologies but he has done about 6 of them so far this week. Iā€™d say he is absolutely seething.

Phil has a certain way with in the upper echelons.

The Irish Times had the inside line on this.

The lackies did a few press releases. He hasnā€™t had to stand front and centre and eat the porridge at all yet

Von der Leyens background and ancestry is dizzying.

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Naw, Robert Lewandowski is.

Has Lewandowski said anything about Big Phil yet?

Only @Tierneevin1979 could have such an array of qualifications

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ā€œher ancestor James H. Ladson owned over 200 slaves by the time slavery in the United States was abolished; her relatives and ancestors were among the wealthiest in British North America in the 18th century, and she descends from one of the largest British slave traders of the era, Joseph Wragg.ā€

Iā€™d say youā€™d find a few Wehrmacht officers in the background somewhere as well.


Big Phil must be absolutely seething.I canā€™t see him giving us his movements for the last 2 weeks as it will probably expose a lot of cunts heā€™s been associated with.I can see him doing the ā€œhonerableā€ thing and stepping down.His ignorance and arrogance has taken him down.As usual itā€™s only a matter of time with these lads.

Has Phil the balls to murmur this revelation to Fraueline Ursula?
Cā€™mere Ursula, any truth in this slave trader yarnā€¦ Escape card albeit a wake wanā€¦

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Fat Phil has juat furnished the doughty Ursula with a 20 page document

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Iā€™d Hogan thought he was being cute saying it was a matter for Von der Leyens and that she would think nothing of it.

Iā€™d say thereā€™s some almighty horse trading goin on behind the scenes.