Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

She should be apologising to him.

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Come on Phil, you can do it.

The likes of Matt Cooper agitating and cheer-leading for his removal will be the same assholes crying when Ireland gets shafted in Brexit


How is this playing out over on the mainland @Tassotti? I’d say they’re having a right laugh over there at Paddy cutting off his nose to spite their face.

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They are too busy banning Rule Brittannia to be worried about it


im here on holidays in spudland, I haven’t been keeping an eye on the news on the mainland

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Any details in that profile of Ursula deleting/wiping all the data on her department of defense phone after a contract scandal? Herself and Mick are well suited, there’s a reason Angie sent her to Brussels

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Go on Phil. Give us another statement. Adare you!



I wonder was the lovely AislĂ­n home?

He is Donald Ducked.

Is there anywhere he didn’t golf the last 2 weeks

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He has half the golf courses of Ireland riddled at this stage. Time to close down golf

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I really hope he contracts covid the ignorant pig.

Any word from Kneel Richmond?

Cc @Bandage

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The blueshirts on here are gone very quiet.

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Phil couldn’t lie straight in bed the cunt