Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Looks like Big Phil is in the clear


Is there a definitive rap sheet yet.
So far

Went to a meal with 80 other guests which went against Government and public health guidelines
Stopped in a Kildare a county in lockdown to ā€œpick up some work documentsā€
Driving while on the phone - cautioned by Gardai
Did not adhere to mandatory 2 week quarantine and went golfing in Adare Manor.

Would love to know how we would be cutting off our nose to spite our face if this cunt wasnā€™t EU commissioner. Can anyone offer up something of note he has done. It seems someone in media mentioned he was useful and it seems to have grown legs. If he was advocating for Ireland would he not be engaging in the kind of parish pump politics but on a European level that people have railed against for the last decade. His job is afterall EU commissioner for trade not Ireland.

thats the end of it, a very clear explanation


whats the big deal with this quarantine shit anyway? its not a law, its a cod


That should clear everything up. Outraged Paddy needs to move on now with getting the Economy going again and sorting out Brexit.


Nothing to see here. Paddy has taken up 2 days of a commissioners valuable time to sate Micheal Martins appetite for a high profile FG head in an act of self harm. The fact the media concentrated on big Phil and nobody else should have us all concerned.

There have been numerous breaches of his privacy along the way too. Meanwhile


Unfortunately the lads that made the law feel the same way.

Matt Cooper made some outrageous comments about his finances yesterday, a real sneering cork cunt


Maybe Cooper should go out and support the tourism industry thatā€™s on its knees over this cod like big Phil has done since heā€™s been here.


Meanwhile what? Someone from Sinn Fein picked their nose?

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No word in that statement about staying in the Dunraven.

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You have wrong man there, donā€™t be so precious.
I was going to say meanwhile cunts like Hayes and his vulture friends accessing politicians get away scot free while Mick concentrate on big Phil

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Big Phil tested negative for Covid when he had his medical appointment in Dublin and his understanding seems to have been that removed any necessity for further self isolation. That makes sense to me and seems perfectly plausible.

Hope everything was okay for him as regards his medical appointment. Itā€™s very unfortunate that Outraged Paddy has brought what should be a private matter pertaining to ones health, out into the public domain.

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its people like Big Phil and expats like @flattythehurdler and me keeping the tourism industry going in the country this summer


Paddy loves to shout GDPR when it suits. Where is big Philā€™s right to privacy?
If heā€™s half the cunt weā€™re led to believe Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be suing the state. Section 41 of the Garda act does not apply to him for a start


Big Phil left no stone unturned in his efforts to win the golfing competition in fairness to him.


This is looking like being an expensive taxpayer subsidised day out for some people.

Who was in the Dunraven Arms with him is what Iā€™d like to know.He left that out of his statement to Ursula.

Heā€™s grilling a lovely well earned rib eye right now in avenue Louise laughing at Paddy


He was probably practising his putting on the aisle on the plane over.