Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

they couldnā€™t lay a glove on him, Matt Cooper will go insane


When others who should have known better and fucked off to Italy, Big Phil, always the patriot,put Ireland first.


Iā€™m not a golfer but a business associate who Iā€™m just off the phone to has played both courses in Adare and Clifden and remarked that Adare would have been a very good test and a searching examination for the competition course in Clifden.


Big Phil has come out swinging, Big Phil 1 the head on a plate mob 0.


Big Phil the professional that he is made sure to get plenty of practice in

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How can you expect the man to negotiate tariffs with his US compatriot on the back of a disappointing day on the greens FFS?

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Heā€™s a haibtual law breaker, his position is untenable.

The sheer arrogance of the Blueshirts.


Theyā€™re circling the golf carts alright

Big Phil is just spreading the love (along with the virus)

Let nobody say that Big Phil is not on top of his brief and doesnā€™t come prepared. That should impress Frau Ursula who seems to have those German traits of attention to detail and a stickler for preparation.

Post reported.

He has adhered to all the guidelines when he entered the state, as I am sure you have.

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If he applies that level of preparation to the trade deal the Brits will be fucked.


She might get jealous

Iā€™ve read through the memorandum. Itā€™s well written, backed up by statutory references and outlines the relevant Irish governmental guidelines. Bar that systems failure as regards seating at the hotel in Clifden (which seems to be attributable to the Hotel Federation), Big Phil was Covid Regulation compliant throughout his stay.


Big Phil has just shown the plebs what it takes to get to the top of the table.

You could make an argument that he didnā€™t need to stay in Kildare on the last night and obviously, he should have a handsfree kit for the car.

That said, Phil has covered most of it off in his explanation

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Itā€™s over lads.

tenor (46)

Get yereselves ready for the Christmas

Outraged Paddy will be claiming next that not having a handsfree kit is a sacking offence.

The banana blueshirts believe their own are above the law. The sleevenism here in deference to ā€˜man with important jobā€™ is off the reservation. Not hard to see how John Bull kept us down for 800 years with 2 drunks and a burly stick