Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Heā€™s been caught out telling more lies than a FF politician at a planning tribunal.

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Drop the Outraged Paddy Parish Pump politics routine. Big Phil was the countryā€™s nomination as Commissioner and is now representing all of the EU as Trade Commissioner most crucially in the Brexit negotiations. Outraged Paddy canā€™t see the bigger picture here or move away from ā€˜Blueshirtsā€™ ā€˜Free Stateā€™ tired and emotional angry rants.


Post reported.

Kilkenny people have Teutonic traits

The SF bots are seething. One of their own sent down for 40 years shits himself.

Big Phil sits down and ladybirds it for the Mick media.

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Iā€™d say he didnā€™t set up the hands free kit on the hire car, he was probably at a delicate stage of the negotiations with the US Trade secretary when he was stopped by some roaster a wet week out of Templemore.

ā€œI travelled from Co Kilkenny to Co Galway via Co Kildare. I stopped briefly in Co Kildare at the property in which I had been staying for the purpose of collecting some personal belongings and essential papers relating to the ongoing negotiations with the USTR, Robert Lighthizer, which continued while I was in Co Galway. This culminated in an agreement on a package of tariff reductions on 21 August.ā€


Heā€™s Donald Ducked and the Blueshirts are seething.

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Looks like big Phil has also broken commission document security protocols :smile:

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The fact this story isnā€™t going away only highlights once again how Mick is easily led.

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The Micks are making a holy show of themselves in Europe. Wasting the time of the President of the European Commission to referee their petty squabbling and points scoring.


His EU colleague Ming the merciless said he was stone useless, called him out good and proper The banana blueshirts foam at the mouth every time some fat guy puts on a tie and a suit. Trade commissionars are above the law they cry, the Harry Maguire defense is alright jack with this shower Hello officer, donā€™t you know who I am nudge nudge wink wink.
At least the Brits hold people to account, not Paddy though though carry on nothing to see here bai


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Itā€™s the witchhunt and failure to concentrate on anyone else present thatā€™s wrong here. Thatā€™s Paddy. Settle a few scores because big Phil once told someone to fcuk off is a really good way to do business.
All itā€™s doing itā€™s deflecting and Mick is swallowing it.


:clap: :clap:

Ming is not a colleague. Ming is a Member of the European Parliament. Big Phil is an EU Commmissioner. Ming should know his place.

Yup. Wolf or Hayes would be a way nicer scalp

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Ming is only a gimmick MEP, stone useless


this cork fucker Cooper on now soon, it should be comedy gold


Ming went to Europe for soft money