Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

We fuckin say what goes and the rest of the cunts can fall the fuck in

Big Phil has stated it is not a legal requirement to quarantine for 14 days, he is absolutely correct to say that

He is as good and as bad as there is . Himself , Wallace & Clare Daly realised where the gravy was .

Cork wanker Cooper straight in, he’s going mental! :sweat_smile:


Cooper can’t get his head around the fact the quarantine is not a legal requirement


One self entitled arrogant scumbag at a time

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Ming in his underpants doing a conference call. The Europeans must think we are a laughing stock. Ming. Ffs sake.

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Big Phil got a test to make sure he was virus free. Cooper hates that.

oh Jesus I forgot about that,Ming played up to the stoner stereotype 100 per cent, Paddy a laughing stock yet again, Big Phil brings serious professionalism to the role and paddy wants his head


A lad his age acting the eejit. Flash Gordon. He made a holy show of the country while Big Phil plays senior hurling.

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its driving him insane, he’s losing his mind here, ah lads this is unreal, the cork cunt is going insane on live radio!

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Ming said he was the pit lane joke of Brussels and you have the banana blueshirts here foaming at the mouth for him. The sleevenism on show is off the reservation.

2 alcoholics and a camogie stick

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Hogan has brought his country and his continent to shame with his above the law entitlement.

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Matt Cooper having a breakdown on the radio here. Big Phil has destroyed him.


its hard to listen to

How would Simon Coveney or Mairead McGuinnes step in?? they are seen as lightweights on the mainland, Cooper needs to take a day off and stop thinking about Big Phil


The banana blueshirts believe their own are above the law

He is fucking seething. No wonder the Brits ruled us for 800 years.

Cooper will be complaining about us being shafted on Brexit next.

Matt Cooper talking a lot of sense here

What law did Hogan break?