Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

heā€™s actually shaking with anger

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his only crime was loyalty

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Typical Mick. Down in the weeds and cannot see a bigger picture.

The Gardai are investigating his many breaches not like the guard who let him off when he used the Harry Maguire defense driving with the mobile, Dont you know who I am?

Cooper is going to get obsessed with ā€œBig Philā€ like he did with Trump.

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So you want him to resign over using a mobile phone while driving.

Grow up.

driving whilst on the phone, kill him! Every single person on this forum is guilty of it, and drink driving


Cooper seems to think his fellow Corkie, Champ is running the Commission. Get rid of Big Phil and Champ will decide who the next Trade Commissioner is. Someone should tell Cooper that Frau Ursula picks the team. If Big Phil gets the heave ho, the next Eire Commissioner will get something like the Commissioner for Knitting portfolio.

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No I want him to be fired. No one should be above the law no matter what you blueshirts would like to believe

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what law did he break?

What law did he break?

See above, the banana blueshirts frothing at the mouth repeating themselves now. They are seething like Matt Cooper

Cooper making up text messages now, heā€™ll probably have a few digs at Big Philā€™s salary and financial affairs soon


Lads gone buck ape with the social isolation.

@Lazarus and Matt Cooper wanting people fired for driving while using a phone.

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he broke no law, he adhered to all government guidelines whilst in the jurisdiction, like myself


Big Phil has mugged off Martin and Leo again :smiley:
Martin canā€™t catch a break.


I suppose champ will be on six one again tonight, sweating like a covid 19 patient


Cooper only got flu vaccine for first time last year.

Ffs sake.

Now he is screaming everybody should get one.

you couldnā€™t make it up


He broke numerous lockdown laws.

Didnā€™t self quarantine.
Attended a golf function in breach of Covid guidelines.
Didnā€™t adhere to the lockdown in Kildare.
Used his mobile when driving.
Stayed overnight in a hotel in Limerick when he should have been quarantining.

And ommitted all this information when asked to come clean.

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