Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Champ should come on Six One and apologise to Big Phil.

thats his only sin in my eyes

Agreed, himself and Varadkar have overstepped constitutional boundaries and European protocol, they should issue a statement

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Ming is a very shrewd and experienced operator on the European circuit. He is well respected by the French and the Germans and Italians. Even Nigel Farage used to look up to him. Big fat Phil could learn a lot from Ming about what it takes to be a big cheese in Brussels, not to mention what he might learn about integrity

This is not about whether Hogan gets sacked or not it is more about knocking the cunt down a peg or 2. He will survive but you can imagine the arrogant cunt is spitting fucking bullets at being asked to provide details of his itinerary to the EU president. I bet Leo and Micheal and pissing themselves thinking of the cunt having to explain himself. :slight_smile:


Paddy Plod appears to have used his discretion here not to issue a Fixed Charge Notice. Big Phil was probably on some make or break Brexit trade call.

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its very disturbing that the Guarda commissioner passed on the details to the Taoiseach

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yes, we need to hammer people in cars that do that as they make it dangerous for people on bikes and people who use footpaths

people in cars can also be called cagers btw

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When something similar happened in a case relating to Mick Wallace, the Garda Commissioner and Minister for Justice ended up resigning.

Big fat Phil said Don’t you know who I am and got let off scot free.
Harry Maguire said the same thing in Greece and they locked him up for 2 nights.
But Mick thinks its grand because he’s an important man so he’s above the law

2 mouldy tans and a 9 iron, thats all it took for 800 years, no wonder


Guards need to have the ability to use their discretion.

Has a guard ever come on a premises you’ve been working in after hours and given you a warning to get the place cleared instead of throwing the book at you?

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Deflect deflect

Big Phil is a private citizen of the republic of Ireland, the guarda commissioner tried to interfere with the essential business of a European official acting in that capacity, there should be a lot more made of this, this is a political issue, Varadkar and Martin need to address this immediately


Ming and Mick, salt of the earth common men in pink t shirts and underpants, would never break any road traffic laws

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Mick Wallace is a very Honorable man, he helped me out with an issue a good few years ago when he didn’t have to


What laws did he break?

What is your source?


what an abomination of a thread.

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