Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


Doherty made some show of himself there.

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Was he up in Belfast earlier ?

Mary back again and angrier

They could just run two TBC candidates

They’ll find a way to dump her from ticket yet.

The blueshirts and Charle Flanagan thought it would be funny to appoint an RUC man to the head of the guards just to try and piss off Sinn Fein.

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Hoggie quoting the rules for Irish residents when claiming compliance but then saying he doesn’t accept the rules are different for folk returning to Ireland from abroad when it’s pointed out that he wasn’t in compliance. You must quarantine for 14 days, even if you have a negative result, as COVID could be incubating. Source: Gav, Dickie Chambers, Naomi O’Leary, HSE et al.

My weekend plans will be determined by the outcome to this intriguing controversy.

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They were on about testing in the airport as a solution. But you’ve to quarantine regardless (or should that be “quarantine”) of whether your test is negative or not? I’m with big Phil here. That’s pretty fucking dumb


Big Phil has been wronged.

As an aside, who could have predicted that TFK would make note of public opinion and overwhelmingly take the opposite stance?


A bit worrying our almighty trade negotiator doesn’t understand such simple guidelines


I’m all for lynching everyone else, but I’m #backingphil
He wasn’t involved in the introduction of any of this nonsense unlike the rest of them, so I don’t see why he should suffer for breaking the nonsense restrictions everyone else is also breaking.


He’ll be disowned by the family. They’d all be staunch Collins voters.

The guidelines are very clear that if you get a negative result you don’t have to self-isolate.

Because no one willingly ever goes to Roscommon.

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It’s been heartbreaking for the rest of us to witness all lockdown, I can only imagine how his own are feeling

Watch that video

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No need


You would think so. The HSE twitter account said different however