Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Just catching this on +1 now.

Jesus fucking christ the amount of time and effort that gets poured into these circuses is fucking criminal. They see Phil here, they see Phil there… We’re 6 months into this crisis and there is neither sight nor sound of a longer term plan of dealing with this virus, can we get a little bit of focus on that please.


Just saw his interview on RTE+1. Big Phil is the fucking man, he’s probably the only reason I would consider voting FG. Tony Corrigan can fuck off. It’s not Phil’s fault if Citizen Information can’t even put the rules on their website properly.

the country is capsized and all they have to talk about is Big Phil

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Are people supposed to have Twitter accounts now just to find out what the law is, whether they’re allowed outside the house for 14 days or not? Fucking amateur hour.

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Paddy lacks the liathroidí to do the right thing. Good thing the Germans don’t think like Paddy

Dara Calleary looks like a right gutless wimp now in comparison to Hogan.

that 14 day thing is not a law

Tony Connelly out of his comfort zone coming up against Big Phil.

His wheelhouse is more a 27-part tweet about the text of Annex II, Schedule 4, Clause 19.4© of the Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.


He should have brass necked it.



The whole thing is a fair shambles communication wise… Tbf to big Phil why the fuck would you need to isolate when it’s confirmed you don’t have it??

0 people dead in 3 months. Chlose the borders! You fucking gobshites.

Ah here, the HSE don’t even know the rules and they’re asking people to resign from their jobs. Only Paddy.

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The Germans take a very dim view of any Paddywhackery, poor crooked Phil doesn’t stand a chance

Gav Reilly’s senior FG source says all hopes of maintaining social cohesion and compliance with COVID-19 regulations in Ireland will be lost if Hoggie doesn’t fall on his sword.

Big Phil was under pressure there not to burst out laughing when he name checked Calleary.

Calleary was part of a government that made these rules . Hogan is another citizen that found them baffling and contradictory


Calleary looks like a fish.


And don’t forget that the rate in the country that Phil was flying in was hardly any worse than Ireland. What a fucking crock of shit, Michael O’Leary is right. Phil is actually less likely to have it than the rest of us.

There will be street parties from Rosslare to Gweedore, no one will give a shit about following any guidelines anymore. All hell will break loose

Can you imagine Michael Martin doing that interview with Tony Connelly, he’d just fucking die.