Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

They are going to publish a “medium term” plan at some stage

To be honest Connelly is more of a policy wonk than an interviewer

Is it a fish or frog? :frog:

The Micks are an awful petty bunch - the national equivalent of a bucket of crabs.

They’re really going to struggle to pull that together with all the golf shindigs, emergency Six-Wan interviews and resignations they have on their schedule.

Thank Christ ze Germans are making the call here. We’d be waiting a long time to see justice if it was left up to sleeven Mick and co

Tired cliches and counting

You sure thats not Irish covid deaths?


On a separate (albeit related) point why does a negative test for a person arriving in Ireland still require 14 days isolation according for HSE but a negative test for a person in Ireland not?

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Maybe he should resign from FG so

Get back under the bed you useless cunt


A matter for himself . Is he still a paid up member. ??

The “logic” is that those already in Ireland are getting tested because they had symptoms. Those coming from outside the country didn’t even have symptoms and may be asymptomatic and could still be harbouring covid19 the they picked up abroad but hasn’t fully developed yet. Because asymptomatic people are more dangerous than symptomatic people, seems to be the thinking.

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If he disagrees with and flouts the policies his party set down, then surely he should resign from FG or be banished by the party.


A load of shite there. I’m with Phil on this. For example, my girlfriend recently returned from the UK and got a test, after getting a negative result she no longer isolated, which makes sense and you’d probably want to be a moron to continue to self isolate after testing negative.




Out of interest did she go private or HSE? I reckon a decent whack of the “big increases in people being tested by HSE” recently is people back off a flight and ringing their GP with a “symptom” to get a test

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Did you need anyone to hold your hand to bring you to the little boys room today? :grinning: