Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Curiously, testing negative was sufficient for Micheal Martin to avoid 14 day quarantine


He will have to go.

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Nail on the head here.


Like Big Phil Iā€™m adhering to local guidelines

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GP referral.

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Judge Judy continues in a moment

These 24 hour, always-on news nerds like Gavan Reilly and Chambers now creaming themselves because Big Phil stopped in Roscommon. ā€œBut, but, but that wasnā€™t in his statements!!ā€

Who gives a shit in fairness, unbelievable that these lads think that anyone outside a narrow coterie on Twitter cares when they go all Colombo on some inane detail.


It will be a massive blow to Cork but Iā€™m afraid youā€™re right.

Who in Godā€™s name would be listening to this at that hour of the morning?

Two things.

  1. Having to self isolate after getting a negative test is fucking nuts. Itā€™s (a)symptomatic of the belt and braces and another set of braces just to be sure approach we have been sentenced to in this country.

  2. Iā€™m not sure itā€™s possible to get from Kildare to Galway without passing through Roscommon unless you took a load of back roads.


Irish Times crime guy engaging in some speculation and hypotheticals.


Christ will there be anyone left when all the resignations are done?

I hope the Moroccan media are hounding out that bollox of an ambassador for flouting Covid recommendations



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Civil servant backs fellow civil servant shocker

200 (8)

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Marrying your cousin?

These lads are still hounding him because heā€™s lying through his teeth.