Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Big Phil would not have wasted all those resources on a case doomed to fail against Apple. Sheā€™s badly damaged.

Big Phil is toxic

He may well be like all career politicians. Including his boss who was shunted out of German politics herself.

However an Irish voice at table during Brexit negotiations is in national interest. Weā€™re an awful shower of bed wetters.

No decision has been made to this point so you may calm down and retain your faith in the institutions that be to make the right decision when the appropriate time is at hand

Thatā€™s very level headed of you. Well done :+1:

Big Ming reckons heā€™s a fat ball of shite

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Some fellas on here are very excitable altogether

Big Ming addressed the European Parliament in his underpants. And made no apologies.

Heā€™s be cut from the same loin cloth.


They are. Thank God for the zen of some of us.

There was a week or two there recently when we thought you had lost your centre.

I pulled my county through a difficult time, I spread my zen like a blanket from Graigue to Clonaslee, from Courtwood to Kyle. It left me sparse for my own little bit but as always, I am unflappable.


Of course, where do you think he got the nickname Big Ming from?
He is a really big cheese on the Brussels circuit, perhaps the crooked Phil merchants are a bit intimidated by himā€¦

Intimate. Intimidate.

ID. Ego and super ego.

You somehow managed to keep crooked Phil out of county bounds too. Well done, clearly that was no easy task

I wouldnā€™t be so sure, he sounds like a man would be well used to the luxury found in the home of Fionn MacCuamhaill.

Heā€™s a bit Jung to understand all that

Chill bro. Ireland has lost bigger and better men than crooked Phil down the centuries. Iā€™m sure the Germans will make the right decision and when they do, who knows, we might just survive that too with a bit of luck

Dear Lord

Bit of a Slip there

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Iā€™ll addler my way out of it yetā€¦

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