Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

I haven’t read most of this thread so this may have been discussed already. But I don’t get this you’ve to isolate for 14 days thing at all. I mean I get it, you might still have it and it doesn’t show, but if you’ve been in a meat factory where you were certainly exposed to it you can go back to work in the same meat factory again once you test negative.
Surely a person travelling is less likely to be incubating a virus than a person who has almost certainly been exposed to it?
What’s the point in testing at all?
One of the solutions for travel was supposed to be testing at the airport, with a quick turnaround, you wait for your result and off you go.

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I think actually Verstager is part of the EPP bloc. Such is the delicate political balance in the make up of the Commission, that would real her out of Trade.

It was amusing earlier listening to Matt Copper losing the plot with some Irish Business Journalist on the ground in Brussels, who was strongly of the view that it was in everybody’s interest for Big Phil to stay. Cooper was shrieking that we need to be telling Frau Ursula that we have any number of capable candidates, ready, willing and able to step up to the plate as Trade Commissioner - Simon Coveney, Mairead McGuinness and Richard Bruton to name but three.

Coveney and indeed Dr Leo if he went for it, wouldn’t be let near Trade because of their involvement in Brexit. Mairead McGuinness as an ex MEP would be the enemy within if she went to the Commission. Bruton might be the best compromise, but if the Eire government force Frau Ursula into firing one of her Commissioners, its pretty much a given that in any reshuffle, the new Eire Commissioner will end up with a bullshit portfolio like Commissioner for Statistics or some other nonsense.

Alcock and Brown. Big Phil.

Clifden has always taken down the high fliers.

Doing groundbreaking transatlantic business at the time too…

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Lol. You need to take a chill pill honeybunch.
Frau Urula has taken an oath of office

What negotiations? The Gover is preparing for “no deal”


As with all these arrogant politicians it’s the cover up that takes them down in the end. Farewell Big Phil you big heap of shit.

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Does Phil have kids? Married?

Paddy thinking crooked Phil is any match for The Gover, Christ on a bike

Divorced, one son, an infant daughter buried in a graveyard near my house. I live about a mile from the Hogan homeplace.

Didn’t Varadkar break the restrictions going for drinks in the park earlier in the pandemic? I don’t remember much call for him to resign.

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Was there any photo of him actually taking a drink? He didn’t break any distance regulation etc iirc, was staying in the Áras complex or something like that at the time

I remember seeing some picture where some curtain twitching freak drew lines with distances between the four lads, showing how he wasn’t the recommended distance. It got moved on fairly quickly.

Would it even matter if he did when the old boys network has your back no matter what? At least the Germans are making the call on this one so there’s at least a chance justice will prevail

Be careful what you wish for Laz.

If he gets shit canned the government get the nod of approval for their restrictions which you vehemently disagree with.

If he gets the all clear it’s a big fuck you from Europe to those same restrictions

Optically of course.

I hear you but the real issue here goes way beyond COVID19. It’s the age old one rule for the high and mighty and another for the rest of us. I’d really hoped we’d moved on from that ideal as a nation but a lot of lads are happy enough with it, it’s rather indicative of our bowing down to Lords and Ladies for all those centuries, know your place and all that. Very sad


A lot of lads on here.
There’s quite a big difference.
I can, in any case, understand the ire about Hogan, and think he, and any other public appointment or politico at the golf junket should be fired or resign as it is not right that the same people who can destroy your business can ignore the very policies which destroyed it themselves, but using that snivelling trough dwelling weasel Ming as a contrast is a strange choice of paragon.

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Everyone is thinking the same about the trip from KK to Kildare then onto Cliften, that he was picking up his clubs, right?

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