Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

In fairness he could say he was trying to infect the mother in law and we’d all understand

What the fuck?

Not everyone has a Mrs Sullivan in their lives.

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Jesus - he’d have my golden ticket ripped up so he would, the cunt.

Mother -in law’s rock.

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‘Collective crass stupidity’ :open_mouth: ‘Arrogant delusion’ :open_mouth:
The Speaker has spoken

Golfgate attendees showed ‘arrogant delusion’ - Ceann Comhairle

Marita Moloney

15.29 2 SEP 2020


The breaches of COVID-19 public health measures by those who attended last month’s golf dinner in Clifden have been described as “the result of collective crass stupidity, or arrogant delusion, or both”.

The comments were made by the Ceann Comhairle Seán Ó Fearghaíl who was speaking at the opening of this afternoon’s sitting of the Dáil.

Mr Ó Fearghaíl said that the Taoiseach, the Tánaiste and other leaders “have rightly said that the dinner hosted by self-styled Oireachtas Golfing Society should never have happened”.

He said: "Members, we all make mistakes, there’s not one amongst us who if they had their time over wouldn’t change their approach to some issues or perhaps engage with certain issues at all, that is perfectly normal.

"What isn’t normal, however, is for well-intentioned, intelligent and otherwise competent people to make a decision that is in itself fundamentally wrong.

He added: "Serious indefensible breaches of regulations took place on August 19th in Clifden.

“These breaches were either the result of collective crass stupidity, or arrogant delusion, or both.”

Confidence in DĂĄil damaged

Mr Ó Fearghaíl continued that “confidence in this Dáil has been damaged” as “the event and the circumstances which flowed from it has damaged public confidence in our public system and confidence wasn’t high at the best of times”.

He said it was incumbent on those attending the Dáil today “to collectively commit to working together to rebuild confidence in our parliamentary system”.

He stated: "As legislators, we make the rules, but the rules apply to everyone and there can be no exceptions or special treatment.

"There must be fairness and consistency as we tackle the scourge of COVID-19.

The Ceann Comhairle said that “those who seek to fan the flames of understandable public anger are not acting in the public interest”.

Similarly, he said the public interest was not served when there were a number of outspoken remarks made on July 30th at the closing session of the DĂĄil.

He said: "If public confidence in the 33rd DĂĄil is to be restored then the public must be satisfied that the DĂĄil can conduct its business in a manner which is respectful, constructive and is as collegial as any political system can be.

"We must strive to actively listen to each other, to work together and to demonstrate to the Irish public that our one and only objective is to serve the best interests of that public.

Mr Ó Fearghaíl said he has asked for the Oireachtas Golfing Society to be disbanded, a society which he said was never formally enacted by the Houses of the Oireachtas.

He has also asked the clerk of theDĂĄil to examine whether there are any other sich societies operating under the aegis of the Oireachtas.

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This is the equivalent of the teacher confiscating the class football because a window was broken and no one would own up.

It’s better than nothing in fairness to him and much stronger language than certain tds and media who want to hang kids for having house parties

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The fumbling Phil supporters club gone very quiet all of a sudden, once you acknowledge your collective crass stupidity thats the only appropriate response I suppose

Some of us said once they got Big Phil they’d drop the whole thing- guess what?

Justice Susan Denham might have something to say about that

The world is laughing at us. Cutting our nose off to spite our face. Will Nancy Pelosi resign? Or the Dutch minister?

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Only someone suffering from a sense of arrogant delusion could really think the world is laughing at us. I doubt the world gives a shit to be honest


I doubt they gave a shit about Big Phil driving over some arbitrary administrative lines on a map either but hey ho.

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Complete wanker.

I told you to dry your eyes mate. You really need to let this go.

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I believe Europe wanted rid of Phil and Ireland did their dirty work.

Ursula didn’t like the ignorant oaf

Are you on LinkedIn, old pal? A crowd of middle management types bemoaning the witch-hunt against Big Phil, as it will ultimately cost Ireland in key Brexit talks. The type of complete weirdos that take a public stance they think will appeal to their more senior colleagues. Same lads were very proud of Leo Varadkar’s speeches and leadership back in March.


Dweebs . I wouldn’t be one for posting on LinkedIn .

Looks like Phil won’t be needed as the Brits have no intention of negotiating.