Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

I just starting into Season 2, itā€™s a great bit of TV.

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It is, sorry for the spoiler.

Sure thatā€™s what Bertie did to Charlie McCreavy.


7 years before a ā€œgeniusā€ scriptwriter thought it up :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes, I remember Bertie sending McCreevy off to the EU when he tried to hit the brakes on public spending and the opinion polls didnā€™t like it. Funny that the likes of Denmark seem to have the same attitude.

Fast forward to us last month and Simon Coveney lost all interest when he realised he wasnā€™t getting a big job. Iā€™d say Leo would have been happy to see him go.

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Are you fucking mental? Charlie McCreevy never put the brakes on spending. Heā€™s on record as having disagreed with public servants who told him stopping it was an an imperative. He wore it as a badge of honour. McCreevey was one of the greatest cunts ever reared here.


FF basically bought the 2002 election and following that McCreevey brought in a number of cuts. FF lost about 160 seats in the 2004 local elections and McCreevey got the blame and was packed off the the EU.

Woulfie seems to be in a bit of a tight spot tonight.


A nice constitutional crisis to round off 2020.

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But legally they canā€™t force him out if heā€™s brazen enough to ignore their call to resign?

Can the cabinet/Taoiseach sack him?

Oireachtas can remove for ā€œstated misbehaviour or incapacityā€ under Constitution but itā€™s never been done. Heā€™d resign if they went down that avenue I suspect.

Seamie Woulf is fierce bauld altogether.

Itā€™s actually hilarious. Clarke is being humiliated. I guess if Iā€™m anti-lockdown i should support Woulf.

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Will be interesting to see if they bring impeachment proceedings. Id say the shinners would be rubbing their hands at the thought of bringing the motion if the govt donā€™t do it and making the govt try and defend woufe

Heā€™d go if it came to that I think.

Shinners wonā€™t do it because Bobby Storey funeral would embarrass them.

Clarke commissioned former Chief Justice Denham to carry out a report. The report didnā€™t yield the expected and anticipated result so heā€™s having a right old sulk and throwing the toys out of the pram. Itā€™s the Lisbon Referendum approach. Democracy only works when it yields the result the politically correct want. Keep at it until that result is achieved. Hopefully Woulfie can brazen it out.

Given whatā€™s gone before I wouldnā€™t be surprised if he tries to tough it out.

But heā€™s shown himself to be utterly unsuitable for the SC

Hugh Oā€™Flaherty tried to brazen it out twenty years ago for a while for a much more serious misdemeanour over the Philip Sheedy business but once it became apparent that Ronan Keane and the rest of the bench were aligned against him, he was on his bike fairly quickly.

Itā€™s a bit trickier presumably in a court like the Supreme Court where judges donā€™t preside on their own. You could probably get away with it a bit more as a judicial pariah in the High Court where youā€™re be sitting solo.

Those letters are fantastic, some real cut to the exchanges.

Wolfie Wolfie Wolfie, he committed no crime other than outrage Brendan and Nuala

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