Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Woulfie is playing a blinder. Displaying the type of obduracy youā€™d expect from a Limerick hurling man that he is.


In all normal circumstances heā€™d be gone by now but woulfie has displayed a stunning level of poor judgement, lack of self awareness and self preservation.

Itā€™ll be an impeachment, the first, and heā€™ll fight it in the hope he gets a payoff.
.but heā€™ll be gone withing the next 6 months

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What will be the grounds for impeachment?

Incapacity. Heā€™s clearly incapable of being a SC beak

How so?

Poor judgement, lack of knowledge of law, lack of empathy, unable to work in a collegiate court etc etc ad nauseum

Thatā€™s a very stretched definition of incapacity.

The professional judge who reported on it said no laws broken and resignation disproportionate.

I hope he digs in for the spectacle.


Not a chance thatā€™s incapacity under any accepted meaning of the term. He was just made a SC judge so was competent. He broke no law.

Judges wonā€™t want impeachment. Separation of powers underpins all democracy. Politicians will be scared shitless of it as there is no win for them.

I think he will resign. Maybe a deal on the pension.

Iā€™m being facetious about incapacity

Theyā€™ll do him on stated misbehaviour for the damage heā€™s done to the courts and the administration of justice

That is fraught. He broke no law. Independent report by an actual judge found no reason for him to go. The CJ has overstepped the Mark.

Still think he will resign but I hope he doesnā€™t. An impeachment would be great entertainment for Lockdown 3.0.

But itā€™s not just the fools pardon that denham gave him. It was his conduct speaking to de ham, and his conduct thereafter. Blanking Frank was a big no no.

A gurrier would have the savvy to say I fucked up, mea Maxima culpa but woulfie continues to pour gas on the fire. His judgement is highly suspect

Woulfie has to go. The seperation of powers are what makes democracy tick.

He doesnā€™t serve at pleasure of the CJ

Thatā€™s why they cannot really remove him. No TD resigned their seat.

He can go back to fixing wills

Smacks of Chief Frank not getting the answer he wanted and expected from Susan Denham and throwing the toys out of the pram. Chief Frank really doesnā€™t come out of this well. The political establishment are rightly pissed off having this thrown at them on top of everything else. Itā€™s quite the spectacle though and great entertainment. If it was just Chief Frank at loggerheads it could all quieten down in a few months when heā€™s due to retire.


Iā€™d say heā€™d prefer to stay as a Supreme Court judge. The politicians need to respect the separation of powers.

Yeah thatā€™s if. Frank has played it poorly. Finlay CJ would never have found himself in this position

He should have thought about that before he started noseying up to corrupt politician and banker types

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Is the separation of powers not the reason why he shouldnā€™t leave? Because the government canā€™t be allowed to sack any judge whoā€™s inconvenient?