Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

Under no circumstances should big Phil resign. He couldnā€™t have done anymore to adhere to the current restrictions


Not that surprising. Itā€™s not really a snapchat demographic is it?

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Why would big Phil resign? For being good at golf?
Should the Moroccan amabassor resign? Neither work for our government and would have staked their reputations on the line that Mick would have ensured the correct protocols were in place ahead of this event. In fact big Phil went as far as checking in advance and once confirmation was forthcoming he proceeded to attend.
Do we really hate successful people who do their due diligence that much? Or would we prefer the back of a fag box policies made up on the spot we usually get.
Itā€™s almost got to the point where big Phil is owed an apology from MM and Varadkar in particular, imo.


If he doesnā€™t everyone is free to cherry pick the current guidelines as they see fit. There will be a massive second wave soon enough and we will achieve herd immunity. Big Phil is a national hero

The permanently outraged and the Sinn Fein crew were very silent on the nursing home deaths.

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Hogan not doing the honorable thing means Wolfe is shitting it right now


Woulfe would surely be under more pressure but for the spotlight on Hogan, if Hogan goes heā€™s goosed altogether

Woulfe is toast. Itā€™s quite a different scenario than Big Phil. Chief Frank is reportedly back from holidays in the next day or two and will be talking to him once heā€™s back. It would be iffy for a member of the judiciary to be tagging along to an Oireachtas society event like this anyway, even without throwing Covid and everything that goes with it, into the mix.

Agreed. Whereas as we almost expect it from our politicians it certainly is not a good look for a Supreme court judge to be under Garda investigation

Might be a good lesson to the younger demographic

I see promising young Castlebar golfer, Ferdia Kenny was in the prizes in Clifden as well. Neither himself, nor his proud father (also on the tee that morning) hung around for dinner to see young Ferdia collect his prize.

Good to see him carry on the family lineage of being successful in the sporting world, talent certainly skipped a generation there as I understand his dad was a bit of a hacker.

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They canā€™t lay on glove on Big Phil. The EU has backed him 100%. They donā€™t give a shit about Mickey mouse internal squabbling in Spudland


Thatā€™s not much of a smoking gun

Phil is needed by the Eurocrats to make sure that John Bull will pay a heavy price for a trade deal .

His story keeps changingā€¦he must have had to pick up his clubs from the K Club house.

Heā€™s the ace in the hole for the EU, they know the Brits are terrified of dealing with him

Except the Brits seem to want a no deal hard Brexit.

What heavy price? The cost of a no deal Brexit is only a rounding on the cost of the COVID.