Phil Hogan - We'll miss him now he's gone

True. Brexit will be chicken feed by comparison.

McConkey was on the radio this morning stating that the Oxford Circus crowd that he worked alongside for 5 years could be anything up to 7 years away from creating a vaccine. A vaccine that he said had a 50 50 chance of success. He said if he was a betting man that he would hold onto his money. There had been a lot of talk of a vaccine in Q3 or Q4. Then this was pushed out to 12 months and beyond. Now there seems to be a realisation that there may never be one.

Jacinta will be very disappointed to hear that.

McConkey knows fuck all


so whats his plan? lockdown forever is it?

Itā€™s very hard to tell with the zero Covid lockdown crowd. He was saying hypothetically that we should enter into zero covid alliances with England, Scotland etc and then also added in Tenerife and some of the Balearic islands so ā€œwe could go on holidays thereā€. I turned off not long after.

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heā€™s off his head, a dangerous nutter


Surely Big Phil not resigning will keep Woulfe from the door?


Zero COVID isnā€™t a viable strategy


I would think so.

Woulfie is toast. Judges donā€™t get to tough it out. Hugh Oā€™Flaherty possibly tried it for a while but his colleagues on the Supreme Court bench werenā€™t standing for it.

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do you think Matt Cooper is working for British intelligence?

A couple of basis points, max.

Phil Hogan sought clarification from the hotel around the imposition of restrictions and was assured of compliance, he could not have done anymore


Cooper is just one of those perpetually angry people, railing against everything. Thereā€™s a few lads like that on here.

The mere mention of Donald Trump drives Cooper apeshit. Iā€™d say he canā€™t sleep thinking of Donald


he is a British agent working for mi five, trying to dismantle state institutions using his soft power in the media and erode our influence in Europe by leading the calls for Big PHIL to resign


He invites Cal Thomas a conservative commentator from America on the show every week to discuss Trumps twitter feed and press conferences. Cooper goes off on one and the other fella is at the other end of the line laughing his head off at him and collecting a nice retainer for his troubles.


Latest is that Big Phil was stopped by the Guards in Kildare while holding a mobile phone when driving to Clifdenā€¦

He canā€™t catch a break.

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