Piseogs, Fairies and the Other World


The last man to destroy a ring fort was Sean Quinn and see how he ended up.

“A local group in Waterford is campaigning for the fort to be preserved and maintained as a tourist attraction inside the main factory building.”

How the fuck would that work :smile: :smile:

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From the Comeragh Mountains to the Copper Coast via the fairy fort fantastically preserved with a pharmaceutical facility, Waterford’s got it all

Poor oul Atticus

Only coming across this thread now. How did I miss this?!

I think this is the whitethorn tree that the Munster faeries used to meet at before and after battling the Connacht faeries. Eddie Lenehan tells a great one about the events surrounding the road construction / diversion. Thought it was closer to Crusheen though.

As for putting a piseog on a fella - I remember hearing about a big farmer that found a 10-10-20 bag in one of his fields with seven hazel sticks, pointed at each end, on May morning. One of his neighbours was trying to put badness on him by taking his luck, and adding to his own luck.

Did anyone ever here the remedy for getting rid of a piseog? Shaking blessed water from any place where three waters, three parishes, three townlands or even three drains meet.

Believe it…if ya like!

My limited knowledge of piseog’s have always given me the impression that there is are an awful lot of work involved in them and most of them have clearly been invented under the influence of large amounts of alcohol.

Cc @TreatyStones. Lots of fairies in Galway it seems @KinvarasPassion

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Mess with the fairies at yere peril lads.

Where’s this Wurhuld place he keeps mentioning?

Fairies as in gays? Dicing with death mate HIV and all

No, the little people. I’ve no experience of the other.

“Me brother in law was caught up in nine eleven. It was in New York city.”

“There was an eye-talian girl here one time, she was a shy-en-tist”.

That’s an unreal video. I can relate to the part where he’s on about the stone having “divining powers” and a “special energy”. In so far as I know an auld fella all into that. This fella I know is 80 and reads books about how you should only live or sleep relating to how water should flow in a certain way. Meaning you should sleep the same way as the flow of water, not against it. He’d also be on about serious energy in certain places, hot spots if you will. He says he has seen spirits good and bad, and angels. He hears his father talking sometimes. In all other faculties he does have his wits about him so it is a strange one.


You’ve experienced the other kind so I take it

I had a few run ins with them many years ago during bouts of the DT’s. They weren’t happy!

No one in the right mind would ever disturb a fairy fort.

The Jinn in Arabic culture are an interesting comparison

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LSD flashbacks are scary.

A piseog to live by, if for no other reason than we shouldn’t be clearing ancient Irish settlements.

You’d want your head examined to go near one of them.

He sounds very like a former coach of our :thinking:

Great to see Eddie Lenihan back in the Irish consciousness after that ape Danny Healy Rae made up a story about Fairies to cover up the fact that his family have been winning huge contracts off Kerry Co. Council for years. The media say Danny Healy Rae is an ape then, and he playing them like a fiddle.

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