
I don’t know the first thing about either of those guys, one has a book and the other has a podcast (that’s one thing each I suppose)
Would it be worth listening , are they the types of lads who would furiously agree with each other?

It’s recommended listening for everyone. Peterson is the GOAT


You just don’t get it fella


It’s quite simple, “I know more than you about everything”.

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Of course you know who both are :man_shrugging: you’re looking for someone with the same opinions as you to dismiss it :man_shrugging:


Would Wollie get a thousand subscribers?

Peterson is a terrible speaker. He’s all over the place in his thoughts.

Two intellectual giants, 4 hours of pure heaven


What is gaslighting :man_shrugging:

I don’t, I’ve never heard either speak about anything, or read anything they’ve written, so I don’t know
I know that Rogan was outspoken on Covid matters but I assume there’s more to him than that?
I don’t have any idea what Peterson stands for

What are you talking about, Rogan keeps jumping from topic to topic. JP is merely answering him. It was probably too much for you to comprehend.

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his mind is not developed enough, Rogan is superb, he can talk about any topic in depth

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Some hairy roaster picking at his hole and his nose listened to a few minutes and couldn’t understand it… So he calls Peterson a terrible speaker :grinning:

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Listened to an hour of Rogan and Peterson earlier in the gym. Unreal


taking podcasts to the next level, I love when JP made clean shite out of weirdos with blue air

I’m about to drive home and listen to it. I’ll be arriving home nodding my head in agreement

All these gender fluid freaks are on the spectrum. These non binary them/ they gowls. At least now we know it’s a mental condition.


Peterson told the boys the clean their room and it has changed their lives ever since. It takes all sorts I suppose.

There was a great interaction where JP thought his daughters were dressing up his young son in a dress playing a game was a bit dodgy until Joe set him straight and told him it was a bit of a laugh and his daughter made him do it for a joke


Why did he wear a tux to a podcast interview?

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