
You’d wonder how Shane Stapleton is paying rent/a mortgage in Dublin with the podcast as his main income

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@Locke where would I find that Always sunny podcast?

Nearly all of his podcasts are sponsored, would he get a couple of hundred for That. He has almost 10,000 subscribers on YouTube which would also bring in a bit of coin.

Presume he also has to pay Verney and the other guests on it.
Hard to know how he’d bring in €50,000 before expenses but what would I know.

I have an hour round spin to work every day so will be paying Wooly a €5 I reckon but may go with Saint if he stays behind the paywall.

I bought the local newspaper today for €3 and there’s much more value in the podcasts.

Live shows are a huge income earner too when or if they are ever allowed back.

Spotify or your usual podcast app

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I hope Shane Stapleton is looking after Verney as its him that brings in most of the listeners he gets.

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Fabrazio Romono’s fee to appear on a podcast is 300 euro I believe.

I doubt Wooly or Shane will be looking to get him on though.

@Copper_pipe would there be niche for an overarching podcast aggregator company and you pay them a subscription for access to multiple podcasters? €8 per month gets you 5 podcasts etc. They in turn pay the content creator a guaranteed fee per month plus commission.

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You gotta sell garbage to garbagemen

Here you go pal

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Not sure if mentioned here already, but the 33 1/3 podcast is a decent series for anyone who likes those books. Listened to the RZA on ‘Dummy’, the ‘Use Your Illusion’ one was a great listen as they tore the book apart, and currently listening to Mike Watt on ‘Ramones’. Prince Paul is the presenter and just said he never heard of Blue Oyster Cult (?!?!?!?!?!!). His honesty is refreshing; doesn’t pretend to know much.

I’ve been listening to the 20 Million Club podcast. Each episode discusses an album that has sold 20 million copies or more.
Decent listen. You’ve the likes of Appetite for Destruction, Rumours, Anarchy in the UK, Metallica Black Album, Dark Side of the Moon, Led Zep, etc

I like what Parkinson is trying to do and best of luck to him but I personally find him frustrating to listen to when hosting a chat , he jumps in too much trying to be devils advocate that things drift so far from original discussion …

The Throwback Podcast does something similar.

they prob dont want to use youtube as they will reveal their viewer numbers and sensible people will realise how crazy they are

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matter is mostly empty space unreal

This is a great listen.

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New Jordan Peterson interview with Joe Rogan. Up on Spotify now. Haven’t listened to it yet myself. Should be interesting though.

Should drive a few of the usual suspects demented


It’s one of the best interviews I’ve heard in a long time. JP is a brilliant man.