
He has made rape jokes and aids jokes about Africans that were over the line. But it’s theatre and he’s not talking literally. Discussion about whether it’s right or wrong to joke about such things is actually a good thing. Having him cancelled and such debates silenced like the looney left want is not a good thing.

The same with Rogan and his use of the N word. He only said it when discussing when other people used it and thought because he was only parroting them and discussing the wrongs and uses of the word by others, that he was ok to repeat it … It’s great learning for lot’s of young impressionable watcher’s of Rogan and beyond. Shutting down such discussions without the debate and learning just means that people might keep thoughts to themselves rather than change their mindset.


If Joe Rogan was kicked off Spotify (and I fully expect he won’t be) he would not be being silenced or cancelled™. The company which currently pays him for an exclusive deal would be exercising their right to discontinue that deal as a result of considering their own reputation and bottom line due to other people exercising their free speech. That’s the market in action. So called “libertarians” love to eulogise the so called “marketplace of ideas”, except when it doesn’t suit them.

Rogan’s game has been obvious for years. He’s a charlatan - a fake “outsider” whose whole stock in trade benefits the plutocratic elites, a platformer of hate speech and extremely harmful disinformation, for money.

A cod, in other words.

For the likes of Carr and particularly Rogan the hullabaloo over stuff like that is completely positive for their careers.
Rogan appears to be the poster boy for the right, I don’t quite know how it why from my brief foray into his podder, but he’s a winner in this again

It’s bizarre. Especially since it’s his guests that do all the talking and they’re from every political spectrum.

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In reality a tiny tiny percentage of people want the likes of Jimmy Carr cancelled and almost nobody ever is cancelled. People just give out about them and call them cunts if they disagree with what they said. If you step back and look at it the whole thing is just another of these straw man arguments designed to divide people.

Carr has always said some really shitty things. There probably is a line that some comedians of his ilk cross, but humour is subjective. I don’t think there is any particular group he hasn’t said an offensive joke about, including Jews and the holocaust previously

He does seem to be admitting, obviously under pressure but I’d say he’d be strong willed enough, that he could have a bit more balance in his guests and that’s surely a good thing. After one of the more controversial guests have a fella on who disagrees with them or better yet have them on at the same time. With all the millions of hours of shite talk out there it’s still something we don’t see enough of. Actual debate with people going head to head on big issues.

It’d be a bit pointless being so shocking if there was nobody to get offended or whine on Twitter.

But again, it goes both ways, except a leftie caught making distasteful comments is way less likely to get out of it. Sid mentioned the scooby doo lady earlier, somebody who was genuinely cancelled

Will the great and much loved Tommy Tiernan be hounded for his sketches on travellers? Duffer won’t pass me the ball.

He said highly offensive stuff about cark iirc in his act

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This has blown up now but was shown over a month ago. It’s like there has been a concerted effort to hold after him now. Nadine Dorries leading the charge too seems like deflection on her part.

Carr says it in the article that most people at the shows aren’t offended as they are there for that sort of humour and it’s going to happen people outside of that bubble will take offence. He has made a career on it, I doubt this will change things much

If Rogan were a “poster boy for the right” why the actual fuck would he give a platform to Bernie Sanders?

Carr is a shock jock comedian who utilizes satire and plays the worst person in the world role. The point of his holocaust joke is to poke at the perception that prejudice towards Jews is unacceptable, but prejudice towards Roma/Travellers is more acceptable. Given the history of prejudice towards travellers Irish people more than anyone should understand this.


Nadine Dorries wants to outlaw “offensive” “left wing” comedy, whatever that is.

But whatever that suggestion is, it’s actual cancel culture, coming from the right wing, unsurprisingly, as it usually does.

And I think it about sums up the right’s confusion on this issue.

Because he uses the same modus operandi as Russia Today and Fox. Throw in a bit of token “balance” while consistently platforming, soft soaping and refusing to challenge the far right and disinformation agents, thus normalising them as if they are just one more legitimate part of public debate, instead of the purveyors of hatred and extremely harmful anti-science disinformation they are. Now he is one of them himself. And that disinformation costs a lot of lives.

If that was his intention, he failed completely. It just came out as hate speech towards Travellers. And those who do hate Travellers will no doubt use it as a “hilarious” meme going forward to spread more hatred against Travellers.

And whatever about Jews, real, deep seated prejudice against blacks is self evidently completely acceptable in Rogan’s steroids and pot white bread world.

The new Randall Carllson podder is up, what a treat is in store tommorrow


Hayden became persona non grata because the left, the centre, even some of the non-fascist right wing, anybody outside of the right wing tribal echo chamber basically, have standards.

But the right wing tribal echo chamber has none.

John McGuirk can never be cancelled because his ideology and the ideology of his followers genuinely is that racism, misogyny and hate speech are good things.

But they know that outside of their far right echo chamber, these things are taken seriously as being unacceptable. Which is why McGuirk and his followers spend most of their waking moments trawling the internet looking for anything at all that can be used to discredit opponents.

But they themselves can never be discredited because what most people see as unacceptable is what they themselves trade in.

This Colorado TV news host recently exposed the double standard through which the far right and disinformation and chaos agents operate. They operate outside the rules to which most people have to operate, because they are let do so.

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He’s a brilliant man / the story of Atlantis and what might have been has always captivated us

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this dude?

Racist Joe Rogan says Black ppl & white ppl have “different brains” #JoeRogan #joeroganexperience - YouTube

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I accept Joe Rogan’s apology for his use of the N word. It’s not an acceptable word for non-African Americans to ever use, and I believe Joe when he says it was not meant in a racist context. I don’t believe Joe Rogan is a racist nor do I believe Whoopi Goldberg is a racist even though she said the holocaust was not about race but rather white people killing other white people.