
Too long, too much shite, too much betting, too much horses.

Could cut 25 minutes off it easily and it would be untouchable


Brian Carroll’s series is back. Brian Corcoran first up.
Great hurler but boring enough man I would have thought

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I’ve just seen photographic proof that the 2Johnnies sold out the Point Depot last Sunday night.

Incredible scenes.

Fair play to them. They know what the simpleton culchies want, and they deliver it

Ah yeah. Say they had a few goes at pushing it too with all the postponements.

Fair play to them. Fuck the begrudgers. I wish them all the best they actually come across as genuine lads

I listened to one of their podders in the car the other day. The first time I’d listened. I LOLed like a simpleton roaster on several occasions.

I find it quite unbelivable that they have been hired by 2fm though and I’d say its only a matter of time before they land into bother again. There was a segment on IVF on the podder which I’d say would have been extremely offensive to many people

I listened once or twice, herself enjoys it. I wouldnt be a fan but sure look it the Noel Roaster character is great. Im happy that they are having success. Not far off my own age. The 2fm thing pissed me off just because it was more to cut the legs off them for something that is harmless


Starting this now, should be good

O’Kane is some flute….

Wooly the bully.

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Imagine that being your life

THEY are persecuting poor Eugene Branagan.

THEY are persecuting the persecutors of Eugene Branagan.


E B to his friends.

Talking about other people talking about other people talking about other people.

The content creation machine.

Welease, Wugene, we have no Wugene, then welease Wooly

Cahair has made shit of Wooly there :smiley:

When a lad starts threatening legal then you know he’s bate


Colm Parkinson is an anagram of Man Licks Porno.