
Isn’t that the Bunny in Hop?

The Emmet Kennedy defence

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Was Cahir or Bogue who fucked over Kevin Cassidy?

Cahair is a proper journalist.

Woolie needs to put away the keyboard.

It was Bogue who Jim McGuinness had a meltdown over.

What I’ve taken from this little discussion is:

It’s a disgrace that anybody should ever be criticised for having an opinion. My opinion that your opinion is stupid is a disgraceful attack on you. But you criticising me for criticising somebody else is a disgraceful attack on me.

Kevin Cassidy was disgracefully treated by Jim McGuinness. He was banished from an inter-county team for having an opinion, and Cassidy was a disgrace for uttering that opinion. But it was also a disgrace that Jim McGuinness banished him. And it was a disgrace that Jim McGuinness was criticised for that disgraceful decision.

It’s disgraceful that I criticise you for having an opinion and I’m also going to sue you for criticising me.

U R all a disgrace. We R all a disgrace.


Parkinson talking about being defamed now … Jesus H Christ , what a response to give to O Kane …

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Woolie had the higher ground, then dug a hole with a cowardly, thinly-veiled legal threat

Is he married to Jamie Vardy too?

Woolie is so similar to Ewan it’s unbelievable, a complete lack of self awareness, hypocrisy dripping off many of his posts :man_shrugging:


Ah he wouldn’t be a tenth as bad. Ewan has completely left the reservation of self awareness. He keeps tweeting a variation on the same anti woke points over and over again.

Woolie rightly gets some fellas goat

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Think he’s just further down the line. Although I’m not sure woolie would ever actually have the guts to go balls out contrarian nutjob like Ewan.

Mighty stuff from Damian Hayes today.

Very unedifying stuff there today.

Beware a Woolie scorned.

Wooly has gone completely daft

Most unedifying

Hasn’t Wooly spent years complaining that GGA players are boring cunts when engaging with the media?

Anyone listen to the batman uncovered podcast?

I read about it and listened to it without really being a fan of batman. The article I saw said this was gonna be a massive new genre i.e. High production values fiction podders… Its OK, wouldn’t be a fan of many fiction audiobooka this is no different really