
He really holds a mirror up to them and they can’t bare what they see.

I’ve to drive in the morning and I think I’ll listen to the Native American genocide one. I’d imagine a lot of parallels can be drawn to todays geopolitical issues.


its fascinating, a great look at the speed of the development of the wild west and the social, economic and cultrual impact, the was more gold mined in 1852 in California than in the entire 18th century globally, there was a massive price to pay for that

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Were Off The Ball always offering 3 free listens per month? Heard one of them mentioning it qt the end of a sports bulletin this eveing.

I’ve that lined up for a long drive on Sunday. :ok_hand:


Just dipping in here now, not going to scroll up so maybe its already here - Talking Bollox Episode 82 July last year, interview with Keith Treacy :grinning: :grin::smiling_face:

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If the lefties actually listened to it, it would destroy their world view, instead they want to believe what they read on Twitter about Joe, ironically owned and run by a man they hate, Elon Musk, remember when all the fucktards went running off to that Threads thing, it lasted 2 minutes until they realised it was totally shite :rofl:


You cant listen to a two hour conversation with a famous historian, innovator or scientist without being accused of having an unapproved “world view”, whatever the fuck that means…wrongthink maybe?


Some craic. Roddy off his trolley

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Would the kids not be asking you to put on Mr farts and the band?

He is very good on TV and Radio

Some back story

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Have a listen to him on Undr the Cosh.

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He goes through some real meh phases, but he’s on some tear lately. Churning out absolute gems left, right and center. Tim Kennedy was fantastic on it


That was a belter of an episode.

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This was fascinating. A great informative listen.

It’s great how academics when asked a question outside of their area have the confidence to say they don’t know unlike the ultracrepidarian cunts on Twitter. .


He was on Diary Of A Ceo a while back. Listened to it as I hiked a mountain in the back arse of Kerry. It was a great morning.

Listening to this in the gym now. Outstanding

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San Francisco in 1849 was some place to be

Nicer than it is now anyway

Tim Kennedy had a great series on the history channel hunting down the possible escape routes for hilter if he did fake his death. Fascinating how the nazis had a get out plan and many did get out


Some company is going to get a great deal here
