
Idi Amin having a whiparound in Uganda to help save Britain was a lovely bit of diplomatic shithousery


Whatever about people pining to go back to the early 70s in the 1980s, the resurgence of Corbynism in the 2010s was something else.

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The Frank McGuigan podcast with Niblock and McConville is absolutely box office.


Jaysus. I was at that match in clines when he scored 313 points. It wasn’t like he had a jinx and bought a bit of space - he just hit the ball in any direction and it constantly just about sneaked over the bar, as lazy a display as you could ever wish to see. My uncle was drinking with him in ardboe club the night he crashed…in fairness my uncle was drinking in ardboe club most nights

I’d say he’s a difficult enough man.

The part about his ex wife is raw enough to have recorded and released.

I’ll gove it a listen. Its a good podcast- niblock is oblivious to his own clunky awkwardness, and mcconville is a grumpy Crossmaglen cynic. I think thats why it works

Last weeks episode with a balinderry stalwart is a fine example of why its best to be sceptical. Derry men are generally open hearted, genuine, self-deprecating, vastly intelligent and modest…but those Ballinderry fuckers from the wrong side of the bridge- if there’s one thing worse than a tyrone man, its a tyrone man trying to be a derry man.
All that shite about managing hogan cup teams- he’d 700 lads from dungiven, swatragh, bellaghy, lavey, slaughtneil, glen etc…plus the lads who were overage, headhunted from the convent etc. He’d a very poor return all things considered. A complete embarrassment

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Fuck me you’re some cynic

I know, but it’s ok…
Because I’m open hearted, genuine, self-deprecating, vastly intelligent and modest


Dalo would want to edit his podcast more carefully. One of his contributors yawning his way through this week’s podcast

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What kind of listenership has Dalo since it went behind the pay wall?

Don’t be jealous of landers knowledge mate

Landers wants Mark Coleman playing #3 for Cork this year.

Coleman was very good at left half back when he came on the other night.

I take it you were one of the lads whose heart he broke by leaving you off the MacRory panel?

No, but i can speak with some authority about the headhunting

It was pretty bad alright.

More exceptional stuff from them

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Well they won 12 in the 30 odd years while he was there while they’ve only won 4 with 1 of those having a massive asterisks in the 20 years since he left so history is kind to his win ratio.