

I presume everyone stopped listening.

They did well to get that long. Rambling podcasts like that without any type of a specific subject matter or focus have a very limited shelf life


I think tommy was calling uncle joe a war criminal even before his ‘genocide by proxy’ exploits in gaza

didnt @Mac famously describe this as the funniest thing he ever heard


They stopped being funny a long time ago - probably when they decided to go down the “members only” route.

They barely had enough material to maintain one weekly podcast, let alone two.

The members only podcast eventually morphed into just listening to the 3 of them getting pissed and talking shite in a pub. Who wants to pay for that?

I also think Laura’s association with " Genocide Joe "
must have been problematic. I doubt Tommy could resist the temptation to rip the piss out of the POTUS. There was probably a lot of material left on the cutting room floor.

There were some great episodes over the years, however. My favourite was the one where Tommy recounted his hitch-hiking to Barcelona.


Ah they were funny as fuck at their peak, but such things have a shelf life. Cant recall the last time I even heard a bit from it.

Hector and Tommy had a finite amount of yarns but the good ones were top notch.

My missus loved this, but she can’t stand Laurita, blames her for the breakup :man_shrugging:

I tried a couple of episodes but it wasn’t for me

She killed it stone dead

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She didn’t understand hervrole as the straight man… i think she saw herself as a bit of a turn

She didn’t, or wasn’t let contribute in the last few weeks of it. I’d say she’s sore. Was a nice little earner I’d say between the ads and lads throwing them a few quid.

Hector’s story about living on the middle Aran Island for 6 months was very good too.

Ah they had great yarns. The fella on the road in the outback. The tribe in South America. fuck it if half them were made up, they were good aul ones. The time around the brother dying was very good too, the story about the car on the beach. Twas just two aul friends telling yarns and laughing at each other for an hour or two a week, both of them stunned they were getting away with half the shite that they were.

I’m sure Laurita fulfilled a purpose there somewhere too.


Someone had to make the tae

She’d turn your stomach

Hector is some raconteur.

The story he tells about the old farmer from Cork over in Cheltenham for the week with one bet of 10k for the entire festival on Denman is priceless.

And the fella swinging up and down the rail with a brown paper bag of 60 grand to stick on Best Mate at 6/4 to win the Gold Cup.


Easy Joey Barton

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I always thought tommy looked down his nose a bit at hector before the podcast as a bit of a low brow stage bogman. On the podcast though he seemed to genuinely like him. I only listened to the first few months of it though.

Weren’t they great pals since they were in school?

For some reason I always thought that was bullshit from a few things Tommy had said over the years. Seems they definitely did get on though.

That’s why Bill Burr is the goat

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